||Chapter 17: Rabbit Appears Again||

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"Hey, you okay?"
Evan turned around,"Oh hey Nicky. . .", Nicky nods, sitting with him on the floor,"What's wrong?", Evan didn't look at him, he couldn't find himself able to look him in the eyes after the events of The Pizzeria.
"I just. . . Needed some time out of the classroom."
Evan nods,"I didn't get much sleep. . . It hasn't been easy these last few days. . .", Nicky nods, understanding the feeling of not getting sleep much.
"Well. . . You want me to bring you back to class? Or, take you to your Sister?"
Evan nods,"Do you know where she is?", Nicky nods,"She's in Art with Mya, here.", Nicky got up, helped Evan up and took him to Elizabeth, making a note to tell Diana where Evan was.


Bagger packed away his musical instrument, he hated this subject which would be shocking as his dad loved music.
Bagger was just about to leave the room, but something made him stop.
Something was wrong.
A bad feeling.
Bagger put the case down, got down and slowly peaked through the door window and his gut probably saved his life.
A golden arm just disappeared around the corner.
Oh shit.

'Trinity! Enzo! Someone pick up the Walkie!'
Trinity picked up, the class turning to her as Bagger sounded panicked.
"What? In class."
'The Rabbit! The Rabbit Suit is wandering the halls!'
Just like that, Trinity went cold and Enzo stood up, running to the window to see if it was true.
"Enzo, back in the seat!"
Enzo steps back, the teacher locked the door and pulled the blind down, rushing to her desk she picked up the phone.
"We have a situation!"

Diana smiled at the kids, turning to the classroom assistant as they made the tables and chairs into a Fort.
"I'm going to go look for Evan."
She nods, she wasn't about to go against Diana especially seeing her reach into the desk and left the room before she saw what she got in her hand.
It was a weapon for sure.


"See ya."
Nicky waved as Elizabeth hugged her brother, Nicky was on his way back to class considering he was supposed to be back by now.
Nicky felt something off about the school halls, their atmosphere dropped and something scared Nicky.
Nicky took a deep breath, continuing to walk down the hall.
"Nicky. . .~"
A hand grabbed his shoulder, Nicky felt like his whole body go cold, and felt something press against his neck.
'How nice to see you again, since our last game of Hide and Seek. . .'
Nicky thoughts ran, reaching into his pockets and felt one of his lockpicking tools.
'Why not join the band. . . As a special prize for winning. . .'
Nicky whipped it out, turning it and slammed it into the rabbit's leg as hard as he could.
The Rabbit roared in pain, giving Nicky time to run.
"You little shit! THAT'S IT!"
Nicky ran into the club room, slammed the door shut and blocking the door with a chair, Ivan had jumped high and nearly dropped his wrench.
"The Rabbit's in the school!"
As Nicky said that, he backed from the door as a knife slammed on the window!
It was gonna crack!
"You got slingshots!?"
"I got something better!"
Ivan flipped a table as a barrier, tossing Nicky a range weapon and they both prepared to fire as they heard grunts of anger.


"Diana!. . ."
"Caretaker. . .!"
Diana looked at the gun he had,"You gonna do it?", Caretaker nods,"To catch him yeah, if ya stab him with that knife, you can get DNA and find out who the fucker is.", Diana nods, both adventuring into the halls.

The Rabbit stumbled back as he was hit by something, no way those were rocks!
"You won't lay a hand on them."
The Rabbit turned to Diana and Caretaker, one holding a gun and another holding a knife.
He laughed, Diana felt her skin crawl as that laugh was filled of insanity.
"And risk yourselves getting put in jail?"
"If it means protecting these kids, damn right I'll risk the slammer."
"Nicky, Ivan; Back from the window."
The Rabbit backed up towards the Headmistress's Office.
"You can't kill me. . .! I've cheated death once and I'LL DO IT AGAIN!!"
Ivan and Nicky watched from the window, Ivan's nose wrinkled,"Do you smell that?", Nicky frowned, he sniffed the air and smelt something strong.
Then the Headmistress's Office blew up, sending Diana and The Caretaker were sent flying back, even the Rabbit but it was screaming something about the suit being caught on fire.
Diana and The Caretaker sat up, soot, rubble and some marks on them,"DIANA!",  "GET THE KIDS TO THE EXIT!", teachers rushed, Diana stood up and looked for that motherfucker and saw him duck out as his suit was probably on fire.


"It was back?!"
Keith came out, the parents checking on their kids and the teachers getting first aid from the explosion.
"Headmistress wad found tied and dead in her office, possibly the rabbit or someone else was behind it."
Diana muttered a pray for the Headmistress.
Scout pointed to the field, adults and kids followed her finger and saw a burnt rabbit running into the woods.
Caretaker stopped Jay, whistled and three dogs came to him,"Sick em!", the dogs began to bark and chased the rabbit.
"That should handle that freak, I'll let you know if they bring back part of it."

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