||Chapter 12: Rescue Mission||

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Bagger, Enzo and Scout ran down the hall, screaming as Bonnie was their tails and they ran inside the storage room, they slammed the door shut.
Bonnie just punched the glass window!
Scout screamed, glass falling on Bagger as he held the door for some false hope.
"Think fast; What do we do?!"
There was spare heads, mops, brooms and a sink.
Enzo grabbed the broom, used the other end to try and make Bonnie leave but that barely had an effect as Bonnie ripped the broom from his hand!
"Wait, I got it!
Scout grabbed the bucket, filled the bucket with some water.
With the little water she had, she tossed it through the window and soaked Bonnie which shut him down!
He began to shake, spaz a bit before he fell to the ground fried.
"Water could stun them! Like a video game!"
So, Bagger, Enzo and Scoht filled up a bucket each, enough to carry and run with in hands though Bagger poured more on Bonnie to keep him down more.


What the fuck.
As they walked in, the nice and fun atmosphere the restaurant had was now gone.
The lights cut, only neon lights flashing from the arcade area and the animatronics missing, catching Norman's eyes were screws on the ground,"Their screwed to the ground?. . . Someone took them off.", Finch's dad frowned,"You suggesting someone planned this?", "Chains, a suit; This all seems too prepared.", Mr Bales,"Agreed.", then there's a bang from the arcade.
Then a chair moves, a table and that promoted the adults to back up, Mr Peterson gripped the crowbar.
Then it all happened so fast, as something latched to Miguel's Leg!
Miguel fell to the ground, yelling as he tried to kick something off his leg which was biting into his leg!
Otto took one end of his gun and whacked the bot, it latched off Miguel's leg and hissed at him and gave Norman time to use his crowbar and whack it off.
Norman did his best to smash it, no matter the screams it made and Jay knelt down to Miguel to look at his leg.
And it wasn't good, it looked like the damage of a bear trap but Jay swore he could see a bone.
"It's. . . It's fine, just. . . Don't move, Miguel. . ."
Henry only watched in horror, he couldn't understand how it had all gone wrong so quickly. . . Where was William. . .?
Then. footsteps
Foxy and Chica were there, Norman saw her looking at the remains of the Cupcake.
Oh fuck-
She screeched at him.
Mr Peterson broke a fire axe out, Otto loaded his gun as Mr Bales broke down the hall for the kids.
"Come at me bitch!"
"So Foxy did."

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