Gravity falls Oregon

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Karli's P.O.V:

I had just finished unpacking the last box. Me and my parents had just moved to the town of Gravity Falls Oregon. As much as I didn't want to go, I had no choice. I had to leave all my friends back in California, and I'll have to start all over on making friends here. Well, here I am now, in the super boring town of Gravity Falls. Seriously, nothing happens here. Ever. The good thing was that it was summer and I had plenty enough time to make new friends. I ran downstairs to the door.

"Where are you going Karli?" My mother asked.

"Going into try and make new friends." I responded. That wasn't really what I was planning to do, I was planning to go into the forest, but I knew my mother wouldn't let me go in there alone.

"Good. Well...if you're going into town, then would you mind buying a few groceries for me?" My mother asked.

"Sure." I replied. She handed me a small grocery list and I walked out. Looks like I'll have to go into town. After quickly shopping, I carried the grocery bag down the street. As I walked down the street, I noticed a chubby boy reaching for a frisby that was stuck in a tree. I walked to him.

"Do you need any help?" I asked. The boy turned around.

"Oh, hi!" He said shyly." Well... I kinda got my new Frisbee stuck in this tree and I kinda can't get it back." He explained.

"No problem." I said." Would you hold this for me?" I asked holding out the grocery bag. The boy took it and I climbed up the tree.

"You got it stuck pretty high up there didn't you?" I asked as I continued climbing." How did you get it stuck up here anyway?" I asked.

"Well...these kids took it from me and threw it up there and left." The boy said. I grabbed the Frisbee and looked down at the boy.

"People took it from you, people as in bullies?" I asked. The boy nodded.

"I don't really have any friends." He said. I jumped down from the tree.

"Well, I'll be your friend." I said as I handed him the Frisbee.

"Really?!" The boy asked.

"Of course, you look like a good friend." I responded as I grabbed the grocery bag.

"Thanks dog! I'm Soos I'm twelve." The boy,whose name was Soos said as he held out his hand.

"I'm Karli. I'm twelve too." I said as I shook his hand.

"You must be new here or something, I've never seen you before." Soos said.

"Well... I am, I just moved here with my parents." I responded.

"Cool! I can show you around!" Soos said.

"That's a great idea, I'll just have to quickly take these groceries home. I'll be right back okay?" I said. I took the groceries home and came back quickly.

"Follow me!" Soos said. I followed him down the streets as he showed me the stores and resteraunts and other things." And this is the best place of all!" Soos said as he took me to an old building. The sighn on it read mystery shack.

"This is the Mystery Shack! I work here." Soos said as we walked inside. I could tell everything in there was fake, but I didn't say anything about it.

"It looks nice Soos." I replied.

"I just love working here! My boss is amazing." Soos said. After a quick tour of the Mystery Shack, we traveled back to town through the forest. Soos started talking about how awesome his job was, which didn't really bother me. I heard a strange noise coming from the forest. I shushed Soos.

"Do you hear that?" I whispered.

- My first chapter! I know some people stop reading after the first chapter, but trust me, you're gonna wanna stay and read this! So go on, add it to your library! You know you want to! Don't forget to vote and/or comment!

Remember, reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram buy gold, bye!


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