The shapeshifter

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Karli's P.O.V

The creature was creepy and very ugly. We watched as it tried to break the glass." Maybe we should freeze this thing, I don't think its safe." Bill said. I looked down, but couldn't find the freeze button.

"Where is it?" I asked. We all looked around for the button as the shape shifter started to bang on the glass tube harder. Belle picked up a sticky note.

"Experiment 210, the shape shifter." She read out loud.

"Shape shifter!" Me, Soos, and Bill exclaimed at the same time. Just then the glass tube broke.

"Oh no! What do we do?" Soos asked. The shape shifter started banging on the glass window.

"We've gotta get out of here!" Belle screamed. We quickly ran to the door that was across from the room with the symbols. We ran inside and slammed the door. We were in a dark closet. The sound of the shape shifters banging stopped. We waited silently for a few minutes. It was pretty cramed in there. I was accidentally pushed backwards. Instead of hitting the wall, I hit a curtain and fell right into another room. Belle pulled the curtains apart and entered the room with Bill and Soos.

"What is this place?" Soos said as he helped me up. I looked around. It looked like we were in a cave. There were different tunnels and paths all over the place.

"I don't know." I responded. We heard what sounded like something running. It got louder and louder. Just then the shapeshifter appeared from one of the tunnels. He walked to us.

"Its been so long since I've seen a human." He said. We screamed.

"Y-you can talk?" Belle asked.

"Yes, but I can do a lot more than just talk. They call me, the Shape shifter." He said, bowing. He suddenly turned a replica of Belle." I can shape shift into almost anything." He said in Belles voice. I pulled out the journals to try to find a page on the shape shifter, but there was nothing. The shape shifter noticed the journal.

"You have it! Just think of the creatures in that book I could turn into." He excitedly said while walking closer to me. He reached out to grab the journal. I pulled it away from him.

"This is not yours." I said.

"Its not yours either." The shape shifter said. He turned into a replica of me and held his hand out." So just hand it over." He said in my voice.

"No, its the only thing I have to help my friend with." I responded.

"Well, if you're not going to give it to me." The shapeshifter said, turning into a gigantic, hideous monster." Then I'll just take it!" He roared. We ran toward the door, with the shape shifter chasing us. We entered the room. I quickly shut and locked the door. The shape shifter started banging loudly for a long time before eventually, it stopped. We were out of breath.

"I'm sorry we couldn't find the author." I apologized.

"Its alright." Bill said." Come on let's get out of here." We left the bunker and walked up the stairs. When we reached the top, the stairs disappeared making it look like a normal tree. It was dark outside.

"Oh, what time is it?" I moaned. Soos looked at his watch.

"Its eight." He responded.

"I'd better go home." I responded." Don't want to get in trouble." I said as I started to walk back home.

"Alright, see you later Karli!" Belle said as she waved. When I went home I ate supper and went upstairs. I dumped the journals out of my torn backpack and threw it in the trash. I opened journal 1. I grabbed a blacklight pen and a notebook and started writing down ideas. I clicked the blacklight on my pen so I could see what I wrote down. I noticed writing on the journal. I dropped the notebook and grabbed the journal and started to flip through the pages. Looks like there's even more secrets to explore.

Bills P.O.V

It was happening again, I was trying to sleep when my birthmark started glowing. I walked to the mirror and looked at it. It was glowing red. I could have sworn for a second there, my eyes were yellow, I wiped my eyes and opened them, seeing them as the normal blue they were supposed to be. I guess I was just seeing things.

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Remember, reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram buy gold bye!


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