Not what he seems

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  Karli's P.O.V

    Belle grabbed the paper with the code." Cool, a secret hideout!" She said.

"We think his hideout is the vending machine." Bill said. We looked at the old man.

"But how are we gonna find out without getting caught?" Belle asked.

"Soos! Do you have a key to this place?" Bill asked. Soos put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a key.

"Yea." He said.

"Great! We'll wait until the shack is closed, then we'll sneak in." Bill said. We left the shack and his behind a few bushes and waited for it to close. The lights in the gift shop turned off after hours of waiting. We waited a few more minutes and then walked to the door. Soos silently unlocked it and we walked inside. I pulled the code out of my pocket as we walked to the vending machine.

"Are you sure this code is for the vending machine?" Belle asked.

"There's only one way to find out." I whispered. I typed the code into the vending machine and we backed away. The vending machine slowly opened. We stood there for a moment. It worked, I couldn't believe it, it actually worked! I wasn't really sure of what to do next. Belle slowly approached it and opened the door wider. There was a staircase. We slowly walked inside, shutting the vending machine behind us.

"Look at this place." Bill said.

"Its like its from a video game." Belle said.

"Or a movie." I added.

"Why would Mr. Pines have all of this?" Soos asked.

"I don't know." I responded. We reached an elevator.

"Should we go in?" Bill asked.

"Sure, we came hear to find answers." Belle said. We entered the elevator one by one. The door shut and I could feel the elevator lowering. I heard a bell noise as the door slowly opened, revealing a room full of gadgets. We slowly walked in.

"Whoa, what is this place?" I asked. I approached some kind of glass window. On the other side was a huge portal looking thing." Guys, look at this!" I called. Belle, Bill, and Soos rushed to my side.

"It looks like some sort of portal." Soos said. A door suddenly opened beside us, leading to the room with the portal. We walked in. The portal looked old and wasn't working.

"What do you think it does?" Belle asked.

"I don't know." Bill replied.

"Stop right there!" A voice screamed from behind us.

- Hello everyone! Only 3 more days until the next Gravity Falls episode. Did you see that video, I can't wait for the rest of season 2! Don't forget to vote and/or comment!

Remember, reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram buy gold, bye!



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