Journal 2

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Bills P.O.V

Karli handed journal 2 to me. I looked at it. We talked about the wheel for a while until it was time for Soos and Karli to leave. I went into my room and started reading. I couldn't find anything else about it. It didn't make sense. My birthmark started to glow again. I tried to cover it up with my sleeve. I noticed my eye was stinging. I walked to the mirror and looked at it. It was yellow and cat like. I jumped back and blinked my eyes, hoping that I was just seeing things, but it was still there.

My birthmark stopped glowing. I stared at my yellow eye. I couldn't let people see me like this. I found an eyepatch and put it on. I wondered if I should do something, but realised that there was nothing I could do about it. I went back to reading journal 2. Maybe my eye will be better tomorrow. It didn't take long until I drifted off to sleep.

Karli's P.O.V

We met up the next day in the forest. Bill had an eyepatch on his right eye. I wasn't sure if I should ask about it." So, did you find anything in journal 3?" Belle asked me.

"Yea, it talks about the Mystery Shack." I responded.

"What about it?" Soos asked.

"It said that the Shack holds secrets leading to the author." I responded.

"How are we supposed to get in there?" Belle asked.

"Maybe we shouldn't." Soos said. Bill didn't seem to be paying any attention.

"Bill." I said. He looked up." Is something wrong with your eye?" I asked, pointing to the eyepatch.

"Uh...well...yea." He responded.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yea, you don't look so good dude." Soos said.

"Well, last night while I was reading journal 2, my birthmark started to glow again and my eye started to hurt. I walked to the mirror to look at it and..." Bill lifted his eyepatch, revealing a yellow cat like eye. Me, Soos, and Belle gasped and jumped back in shock.

"Its yellow." Belle said.

"I don't understand, what's wrong with me?" He asked as he pulled his eyepatch back over his eye.

"I don't know, but I do know how to find out." I responded.

"How?" Bill asked. He probably wasn't listening when I talked about the Mystery Shack.

"The Mystery Shack." Me and Belle answered at the same time.

"I don't know about this." Soos said." If we get in trouble, I could get fired." Soos responded.

"Come on Soos, do it for Bill." Belle pleaded. Soos looked at us.

"Um...well...o-okay then... I guess." He responded.

"Yes! We're all in! Come on, let's go!" Belle cheered as we walked toward the Mystery Shack.

- Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter. I actually kinda feel sorry for Bill...oh well. Don't forget to vote and/or comment!

Remember, reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram buy gold, bye!


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