Rudy and Maggie

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Amidst the velvety darkness, a romantic storm unfolded, setting the stage for an enchanting dance of nature. Raindrops, like liquid pearls, descended gently, creating a rhythmic melody on the windows. The soft whispers of the wind intertwined with the tender laughter of the leaves, as if nature itself was sharing a secret. Thunder murmured in the background, a distant applause for the love unfolding below. Lightning painted the sky in fleeting strokes, revealing stolen kisses between clouds. Under the canvas of a starlit night, he gently cupped her face, his fingers tracing the contours of her skin like a familiar sonnet. Their eyes locked, a silent conversation echoing between their souls. The air crackled with anticipation as he leaned in, his breath mingling with hers. Time seemed to pause, granting the universe a moment to savor their connection.

Their lips met in a tender collision, a symphony of emotions exchanged in that sacred space. It was a kiss that spoke of longing and fulfillment, of shared dreams and whispered promises. The world faded away, leaving only the warmth of their entwined hearts. In that ephemeral union, they discovered a love that transcended words, a passionate embrace that painted the night with the hues of their deep, shared affection.

As their lips lingered, the outside world ceased to exist. It was a kiss that held the weight of every stolen glance, every shared laughter, and the unspoken vows written in the language of their intertwined destinies. His hand found its place on the small of her back, pulling her closer, as if trying to merge their very essences.

Time resumed its course, but in that kiss, it had left an indelible mark. The taste of promises kept and the sweetness of shared vulnerability lingered. In the silence that followed, they exchanged a knowing smile, recognizing that within that simple yet profound act, they had not just kissed, but sealed a pact of love that would endure the tests of time.

(Maggie's POV)

I smiled at him. I just wanted to hear what he is about to say. All i felt was love, all i saw was love.
I wanted Jaden Hossler since day one. I loved him. All I ever wanted was to be with him.

-Damn. I mean- this was...uhm...something new.

Something new?

-I mean, this was cool. Dope. You're a good kisser.-he said.

-Is that all?-i asked a little bit mad.

-What do you want me to say?

-Something else?

He started putting everything from his pockets on the table and took off his jeans.

-Like what? I said you're a good kisser, okay? It was fun, just don't get too excited about it.

-What do you mean excited?

-We're friends, I don't want to ruin our friends with this kiss.

-Well, you already did.

I grabbed the keys and ran out.

-Maggie!-he screamed but I was so mad, I wasn't even thinking. I got in the car and started it. I saw Jaden who was standing on the door looking at me but it was too late. I was already driving far away from him. I wanted to scream, i wanted to break something but i was the only one breaking. I decided to listen music, i was screaming All Too Well, the 10 minutes version. I was crying my ass off out there. It was awful my eyes all watery I couldn't even see the road. Why can't we be okay for a week. It's always for 2 or 3 days.

Rudy called me. But I was not able to pick up so he left a voicemail.

-Hey, Maggie, I don't know where are you or where's everybody but I just wanted to tell you that I'm hoping you are okay and will come home because I bought weed. I don't want to smoke alone, please.

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