Chapter 3

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It was the next day and we were all in the back outside skating in the hot summer's heat, I was practicing my tre flip as per usual as I could never seem to get it right no matter how hard I tried.

Narrator POV

"I'm skating like shit today man" Ruben said whilst drinking the plastic bottle of water next to the young boy who had been showing up more frequently at the shop in the past week. "Looks cool to me" the boy said casualy "I'm Ruben" Ruben said whilst bending down to dab up the young boy "I'm stevie" he said whilst reaching his arm out to dab him up whilst still sitting. Jordan had just fallen again as she got up she noticed Ruben dabbing up the young boy she had seen at the shop, she looked at them confusingly as usually Ruben isn't the one to talk to people he doesn't know, she quickly ignored it and went back to skating whilst Ray went up to the two boys. "pass me the water" he demanded at Ruben who quickly picked up the plastic bottle from the floor and handed it to him, he shook the bottle to find there was a scares amount of water left "damn you already drank all of it?" He said annoyingly "fill that up man" he said passing it to Ruben, he stood there for a minute annoyed at the duty he was put on again, he then looked down smirking to himself "yo stevie fill this up" he said pleased he didn't have to do anything now thanks to him. Stevie quickly got up "yeah" he said excitedly grabbing the bottle to run down to the bathroom to fill it up. When he got back Ray skated over to get some water to rehydrate, "thanks little man" he said whislt grabbing the water from him to drink. Stevie sat back down looking pleased at himself for the task he just did whilst Ruben looked slightly jealous at the praise the young boy got which he never gets. "Woow, refreshing" Ray exclaimed whilst getting back on his skateboard to skate around for some more time. Stevie watched him skate away whilst smiling to himself.

Jordan POV

After an hour of skating I decided to take a break and go inside to find Ruben, I walked into the shop to find Ruben and the young boy on the sofas smoking a pack of cigarettes together, I sat down next to Ruben both exchanging a smile slouching against him as we watched the boy light the cigarette but as he inhaled trying to attempt not to cough, I held in my laughter while Ruben glanced at me giving me the same look I was giving him. "Shit this is relaxing" Ruben said trying to make it less awkward as the boy continued coughing. "You smoke" He added "yeah these ones are just different brand" the boy said obviously lying, we sat in a few secounds of silence as Ruben passed me his cigarette for me to inhale. "Thank you" the boy said smiling greatfully at Ruben like he had just given him eternal money. I smiled at his innocence suddenly Ruben said "are you gay?" I tilted my head up from his shoulder disapprovingly "what?" The boy said shocked and confused "why the fuck you thanking me" Ruben snapped back "chill out Ruben" I said trying to ease the tension in the room but Ruben fully ignored me "don't fucking thank people man, it's faggot as fuck yo" he said, I rolled my eyes passing him back his cigarette while laying back down on his shoulder being too lazy to stand up for the boy "oh sorry I didn't know that" the boy said looking down clearly embaressed "it's fine now you know just don't thank people they're gonna think your gay" Ruben said laying back down passing me the cigarette after taking a hit "oh I won't do it again" the boy said while fidgeting with his fingers "yeah you gotta pay attention to me man" "I'm a fucking badass your a little kid" "you should fucking look up to me, I smoke" he said while taking the cigarette off me to inhale to prove his useless point to the boy "I skate, I fuck bitches"I scoffed at Ruben rolling my eyes as he gave me a confused look "what bitches do you fuck?" I said to Ruben as I took the cigarette off him to inhale it, he fully ignored me "I'm pretty much the shit, I'm living the life all you have is a fucking dinosaur board, that shit is 80s as fuck" Ruben said whilst laughing. "Shut up Ruben let the kid live" I say whilst scoffing "what's your name?" I said to the boy in a friendly tone "stevie" he mumbled "you look retarded" Ruben interrupted us, laughing to himself as I gave him a death glare to stop "you need to get a new board" he said "how much are they?" stevie asked "probably £120 for a complete" I said smiling at him whilst in the corner of my eye I could see Ruben glaring at me and then stevie "I'll sell you my used setup for £40" Ruben said quickly clearly trying to seem like the good person now "it's a good ass deal to be fair" I said while laying back down on the sofa "wait but don't you need your board?" Stevie asked Ruben "I'm saving up to buy a new motor board" "well thanks for selling" stevie said "see I was about to say thank you buy you know how gay that is" he said attempting to make a joke with Ruben. "Don't fucking say that shit either just say nothing fuck" Ruben spat out at him quickly "sorry" stevie mumbled "dont take it personal he's rude to everyone" I say putting out the cigarette on the table whilst getting up to sort out the litter all over the table "you cant say anything" Ruben mumbled "I heard that" I said whilst holding in my smile "what time is it?" Stevie asked "I don't know probably like 8" I said whilst throwing a bag of crisps in the bin, "oh man I gotta go, you guys don't have to be home at a certain time?" Stevie asked us, I looked down to Ruben sympathetically knowing his living situation "no I always go home after my mom's asleep" he said casually "what about you?" He asked me "I'll go home when it's dark my mom doesn't mind" I said trying to make the conversation less awkward "see you tomorow?" Ruben said to stevie "yeah" he said whilst grinning "with £40?" I said crossing my arms together "maybe" "it's a fucking good deal" Ruben spat out "I gotta go but I will " he said as he ran out the shop holding his dinasour board tightly around his chest "fucking idiot" Ruben shouted as he ran out, I laughed "give him some slack oh my days" I said whilst laughing with Ruben "he has to know where he stands" Ruben said getting up to grab his skateboard "wanna skate?" He asked "only if you can keep up with me" I say smirking at him grabbing my skateboard from the wall as we both walk out the shop together bantering with each other.

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