Chapter 14

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Narrator POV

It was the evening after Stevie's tantrum, he had come back to motors now alone a few hours after the incident but he didn't say anything to us instead he just stormed past us and went outside, he was in the back of motors outside sat against the wall whilst looking at the floor blankly, Ray came outside a few minutes later after being inside with the others, they had all decided on a whole it would be Ray that went outside to check up on Stevie. As he got outside he asked if he was alright to which he nodded to in silence, he went to sit next to him on the floor against the wall. "Your mom is um.. very serious" Ray pointed out taking a while to say the last bit of his sentence "I just.. I just can't take their shit sometimes" Stevie murmured "what kinda of shit?" Ray asked "just shit" "a lot of the time we feel like our lives are the worst but I think if you looked in anyone else's closet you wouldn't trade your shit for there shit" Ray said whilst Stevie now looked up to him from the floor "like look at Fourthgrade he is one of the poorest people I know and I'm not even making a joke though, like he can barely afford socks Seriously" Ray said giving him an example "Ruben's mom gets all fucked up, she beats on him and his sister, why do you think he don't ever wanna go home?" "And Jordan well her moms never home and when she is she's always on some sorta drugs, she's scared she's gonna have to go into a foster home soon because her mom can't pay off the bills anymore from spending it all on drugs and shit" "Fuckshit is like my best friend and like we used to have all these sleepovers and fucking just dream about skating and where we wanna take it and.. I just feel like he's kinda losing it a little. Now everyday he just.. trying to figure out where to party where to get fucked up, drunk, it's sad." Ray said. There was a moment of silence between the 2 boys as they sat there in silence "around 3 years ago my little brother was on the way to soccer practice. And he was crossing the street and he got hit by a car" Ray said sadly "it's so weird like we shared a room, like a closet, whenever I was getting dressed in the morning and just looking at all my clothes and they just blend into each other and.." Ray said not being able to finish his sentence. "After he died Fuckshit came to my house and dragged me to go skate with him, felt good to have somebody there and the next day Jordan and Fuckshit came to my house forcing me to skate again and they did that everyday until I was able to manage my emotions better I guess" Ray said, there was a minute silence between them as Stevie didn't reply until Ray said "so let's go" whilst getting up to grab his skateboard to go skate with Stevie one on one.


Sorry there's no Jordan or Ruben in the scene I just wanted you guys to get a better sense of  jordans personal life without her saying it idk but Yh, hope u enjoy. Ik two chapters in one evening🤭🤭

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