Chapter 8

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Jordan's POV
We were all in Fuckshit van vibing to music and singing along whilst the windows were all the way down and the wind was blowing rapidly in our faces, the sun was beaming through the van windows. Ray and Fuckshit were in the front whilst Fourthgrade, Stevie, Ruben and me were sat at the back. Because Stevie was now in the van I had to resort to sitting on Ruben's lap which was fine. Ruben was holding my waist with one hand as in the other me and him were playing thumb wars, we were laughing whilst slamming our thumbs against each other until Stevie whispered to us "this is awesome, I've never been in a car without someone's mom or dad before" me and Ruben stopped playing to turn to look at him, I smiled at his innocence until Ruben murmured "Stevie, keep that shit to yourself man, fuck" whilst looking straight forward now, his smile had completely vanished "sorry" Stevie said "it's alright" I whispered trying to make sure Ruben couldn't hear as I knew he would get annoyed, I felt Ruben's hand clench against my waist tighter, I looked over to see him still staring blankly outside, I rolled my eyes looking away for the rest of the trip to wherever we were going next I assumed the courthouse.

Narrator POV

As soon as Ray parked outside the Courthouse the kids all got out. Jordan an Ray quickly skated away together whilst laughing with each other as Fuckshit waited for Fourthgrade to set up his camera so he could get some more shots of him, Ruben and Stevie went off together to skate around where they found plenty of other skaters around them doing the same as them. "Are we allowed to skate here?" Stevie asked after getting used to the place around them as they stopped in the middle of the place "fuck no it's super illegal" Ruben said "it's a fucking courthouse, if you hear anyone yell out "Five-O" just fucking take off" "see those fucking bums?" Ruben said pointing to the direction of a group of skaters in the corner smoking and drinking "if one of them offer you something to smoke, don't smoke it, it's probably fucking crack" Ruben stated.

Ruben and stevie were now stood against a wall smoking a cigarette whilst watching the others around them skate, stevie was watching them all in awe as one kick flipped past him he exclaimed "woah! Those are pros I saw those guys on big brother" "yeah, they ride for chocolate, so fucking sick" Ruben said watching them someday hoping to be like them maybe "and they, like skate here where you guys skate?" Stevie asked "yeah yo everyone skates here" "that's sick" Stevie said as they saw Ray approach the guys hitting them up.

"Thanks man" the random homeless guy said to fuckshit as he handed him a lit cigarette as Ray and Jordan sat next to fuckshit and Fourthgrade stood up filming them "you bet" fuckshit said, "needed this" he murmured to them whilst inhaling the smoke into his lungs "how you doin? What's good in your life?" Fuckshit asked "um im here, shit, I'm tryna get up off the streets man, before the streets get me" he joked "but you see I look like this so-" "ain't nobody wanna fuck with you" Fuckshit answered for him "yeah you feel me? My friends or whatever they kinda just" "ain't no judging in here" Fuckshit reassured him "oh okay, so let me ask you a question man, what y'all doin with the skating?"the guy asked us "ah, I just skate for fun, it's like it makes me happy and smile so I just skate everyday" he laughed slightly to himself "oh I can dig it" the guy agreed "yeah it's fun as hell but I'm trying to make a way, same with Jordan" ray said introducing Jordan slightly "oh okay, you can do that with skating?" He asked puzzled "yeah if you're focused" Jordan said smiling to him "you can be pro, I wanna be one of em" ray said "that seems crazy to me that you can get a job skating" "yeah" Fuckshit agreed with the guy "I'm thinking man maybe I should start skating" "what was your last job" Fuckshit asked "man, I was a data entry, You know everything kinda takes some kinda artistic mind to do, or creative mind to do, you cant just be a robot you know what I'm sayin? You gotta be able to come up with ideas" "yeah" the teens all mumbled agreeing with him. As they continued to talk Jordan noticed in the corner of her eye Ruben skating, he looked so focused while skating, she thought he looked kinda cute "you're a good dude man" Ray said to the man hitting him up as his back moved slightly up against Jordans side pulling her out of her daydream.

Jordan POV

I was skating with Ruben until suddenly we heard "Hey Five-O, five-O" we swiftly turned to face each other and grab our skateboards from the floor, Ruben grabbed my hand as we started running, after a few secounds the panic started to turn into laughter as we both sprinted back to the van hand in hand, as we got into the van we realised our hands were still together, we quickly let go of each others palms and looked the other way, Ray, Fuckshit and fourth grade were already there panting for breath. "Yo where's sunburn?" Ray asked concerned, I looked around to find stevie no where "do you think he got caught?" I asked worriedly "probably" Ruben said whilst smirking, I hit his shoulder in annoyance "drive up he might be on the other side" fourth grade said, Ray started driving up the road as we all looked out the windows trying to spot for him apart from Ruben who clearly couldn't care less. Suddenly we saw Stevie running panicky around the side of the road, Ray called for him and he looked up approaching us with a relived facial expression on his face.

Ray drove us all home that day, as he approached Ruben's apartment complex me and Ruben both got out together as I was only a minute down the road from his house. "Peace" Ruben said as he got out the van first "bye guys, thanks for the lift Ray" I said as I got out the van, "no problem Jordan" he said exchanging a smile with me, I closed the door and attempted to catch up with Ruben who was now climbing up the stairs to his apartment, I saw him stand outside the door hesitantly waiting, he turned back around to walk away when he saw me still walking up to his apartment complex"I thought you'd of walked past my apartment in this time" he said from the stairs "I was saying bye to Ray, wanna come to mine for a bit?" I said blocking the sunlight with my hand whilst looking up at him, he smiled at me whilst nodding his head as he walked down the stairs to me. I could tell he was scared to go inside incase his mom was awake, I felt bad for him as I waited for him down the stairs as he walked down the stairs leading me back to my house whilst we spoke to each other talking about complete nonsense.

Run tha streetz- MID90sजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें