Chapter 11

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Jordan POV

It was a week after me and Ruben had kissed, we never spoke about what our relationship was now and what we are now as I think we were both too afraid to ask one another about it, we hadn't even spoken about that night since. I hadn't felt the warmth of his hands or the touch of his lips against mine since last week but I was too scared to say anything and I don't know but I got the vibes he didn't want a relationship.
We were all at the local burger stand. Fuckshit was skating up and down the road as me and the others were sat around the table eating the trashy fast food chips. As we were chilling we heard Fuckshit yell "oh fuck" we looked over to see Fuckshit standing opposite a guy in around his early 20s or late teens hovering clutching one side of his face in agony from I assume the skateboard "my bad" Fuckshit said trying to apologise "yo, what the fuck?" The guy spat out, suddenly Fuckshit apologetic face turned to an agitated face "what's up bitch?" He confronted him, stepping towards him to guard his authority, there was a brief moment of silence between the guy and Fuckshit as the rest of us all sat staring at them to see what happens next "what the fuck?" The guy replied more calmly this time "you good?" Fuckshit shouted in his face, I noticed the guy was looking at Stevie with a confused look on his face, he wasn't even focusing on Fuckshit anymore, I looked across from the table to see Stevie looking down, he looked almost frightened "what's up bitch" Fuckshit shouted again as the guy stood in silence "what you tryna do bitch? You still standing here" Fuckshit shouted again at him as he yet again still stood in silence unable to produce any words from his mouth. "I think he might've shit himself" Ray whispered to me as I snickered with him a bit, "you just gonna stand here pussy ass bitch?" Fuckshit questioned him, his eyes not leaving his eyes. "Hey white boy you gonna let this blond bitch talk to you like that?" Ray shouted at him from the table. I turned to look back at Stevie, ignoring the bullshit Fuckshit was shouting at the guy, Stevie looked ashamed a bit, I turned back after a minute to see the guy walking away from us all as Fuckshit skated back to us.


Sorry short chapter, this scene was very short anyways and the next scene I want it to have its own chapter (it's probably going to be a long one) also sorry I didn't post yesterday I was out for new years till like 1:30am😭
Happy new year!!

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