Chapter 12

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Jordan POV

It was around 10pm at night and we were all sat on the bus to go to Estees house for the party she was hosting, I was wearing my black low rise baggy jeans with a khaki cami top. Usually I'd sit next to Ruben no matter what but today when we got on the bus he sat next to Stevie which was weird as he hated his guts, I had decided to sit next to Ray and Fourthgrade and Fuckshit were on the other side of the bus from us.  "My mom and dad are fucking faggots" Fuckshit complained "shit can't wait till I can get a car, and my shit for sure not getting taken away like I'm a little bitch" Ray said "I'm bout to fuck all these bitches" Ruben said out of nowhere, I didn't even turn around to look at him when he said that unlike everyone else who did, instead I looked down at my lap whilst picking my fingers, I suddenly felt upset, what if what happened that night didn't mean anything to him? Was he just messing with my feelings or something? I felt my eyes tear up but I quickly blocked out the thought of Ruben so I wouldn't make a scene here on the bus especially in front of Fuckshit as I knew he wouldn't take it seriously. "Hey shut the fuck up! You ain't fucking nothing" Ray said to Ruben clearly annoyed and disgusted by what he said. "Honestly I'll be surprised if any of y'all get pussy tonight" Fuckshit said as the others laughed with him, I just looked out the window ignoring there stupid conversation, I wasn't in the mood tonight, for once in my life I wanted to just go home, even though my house was loud with silence because my mom was never home I still craved the comfort of my bed in that moment in time. "Hey put y'all hands out" Fuckshit said in a hushed voice as he got out a small container of pills from his jeans pocket, the boys started putting out there hands except me and Ray who looked at him disappointed, "hey why you giving that shit to these little bitches?" ray confronted him "hey they big boys, they can do what they want, Jordan do you want one?" Fuckshit asked me, "no" i said blankly whilst turning back to the window. "let me see one" ray said putting out his hand for fuckshit to put a pill on his palm. as he did Ray quickly threw it back at Fuckshit "dumbass" Ray said whilst turning away from the others, he nudged my elbow, i slightly turned my head to look at him, as I did he whispered "you good?" I nodded whilst attempting to smile for reassurance. "what is this? is it dangerous?" stevie asked us, me and ray turned around to look at him "ah, my mom took me to a psychiatrist, the bitch said i had ADD after an hour he gave me these" Fuckshit explained to Stevie "is it like bad for you?" Stevie asked as Fuckshit scoffed at his question "dude, if a fucking doctor gave it to you, can it possibly be bad for you?" Fuckshit explained as Stevie slowly put the pill in his mouth to swallow as me and Ray looked at Stevie disappointingly.
A thing about me and Ray was that we hated drugs, and we hated Fuckshit when he did this kind of shit. I always hated drugs from growing up in a household where drugs were seen as a norm, I never really spoke about it much as I never liked remembering how my mom acted when on drugs but from the things I saw I hated them. I told Ray about it one evening when we were at the park together after skating the whole day together as the rest of the group were hungover from the party we had been to the night before, I think aswell from me telling Ray a bit about it he was more against that kind of shit.

When we arrived to the house I left the boys to go inside to see estee and the rest of my friends. As I walked into the kitchen they were all already there "Jordan!" Estee exclaimed as she ran over to hug me as I hugged her back "so how's your lover?" Estee teased as we pulled away from the hug, my face dropped quickly as soon as she said that "shit" I said as we walked over to the others who had heard what we had just said "wait what happened?" Angela asked "he hasn't even looked at me since that night it's like he doesn't care that it even happened" I explained angrily whilst holding in my tears, all around me the girls were comforting me telling me that he was a bitch and he didn't matter and shit like that.

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