Chapter 13

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Jordan POV

It was the next day and we were all at motors chilling around the sofa, it was early afternoon and Stevie still wasn't here which was a bit weird as usually he was, Fuckshit was sat on the armrest of the sofa me and Ruben were on, I was next to Ruben, my head rested against his shoulder as Ray and Fourthgrade sat on the other sofa.
"I was skating all day-" "hey! What is your name?" A woman who looked like she was around her 20s interrupted Fuckshit, as she barged into the shop whilst grabbing onto Stevie's ear while he was yelping trying to get away from her "what the fuck?" I said confused as to what was going on "What is your name?" The woman asked again angrily whilst approaching us all very quickly now letting go of stevies ear. "Fuckshit" said Fuckshit whilst sipping on his drink "Fuckshit?" The Lady questioned in disbelief and disjust "Jesus" she murmered as we all sat there staring at her blankly except from Fuckshit who was smirking "Listen to me, you do not give my son alcohol" "ma'am ma'am" Ray interrupted her trying to explain to make the situation better "bitch" Fuckshit murmered whilst smiling, he knew exactly what he was doing and found pleasure in doing it "ma'am, ma'am" Ray said a bit louder now trying to get her to look away from Fuckshit "you do not give my son drugs, do you understand me?" She shouted whilst death glaring Fuckshit who was still sat hiding his smile with his drink "cool,cool" Fuckshit said "that better be cool, fuckhead or whatever the fuck your name is! Stay away from my son, he's not like you" Stevies mom said. We sat there in silence for a few seconds, me and Ruben looked at each other trying not to laugh "is she mad about the fingering?" Fourthgrade asked all of a sudden as me and Ruben burst out laughing whislt still trying to be quiet "what fingering?" Stevies mom asked now turning to look down on Stevie, suddenly she turned to look at me dead in the eyes and looked at Stevie back, did she think we fucked? "You should be ashamed of yourself" she said whislt looking at me "ma'am no offence but I'd never fuck your son" I stated trying to hold in my laugh whilst she glared at me, for a brief moment there was a pause of silence until she said "say good-bye Stevie. This is the last time you're coming here" as she dragged him out pulling his ear whilst storming out the room whilst he yelped in annoyance and pain "hey but baby what's your number though?" Fuckshit shouted at her "stevies mom!" Ray pointed out to Fuckshit in disgust by what he has just said whilst me and Ruben burst out laughing together from the situation on a whole.


100 reads tysm!! I'm going to try finish the majority of this book tonight as I don't rlly wanna carry on during school cus I have a lot of exams.
Hope you guys r enjoying!!

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