Chapter 15

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Jordan POV

Me and Ruben were making out behind the bathrooms, after a few minutes I pulled away "come on we've got to go" I said smirking whilst he looked at me annoyed "one more minute?" he pleaded with me "no come on, Rays getting me to meet those cool guys today and I don't wanna miss it" I explain whilst getting up to grab my skateboard from the wall "fairs" he said whilst grabbing his skateboard "I'll see you later" I say whilst kissing him one more time as I skated away to find Ray.

I skated up to Ray who was with Stevie, as I got there he said to Stevie "hey let me see that" whilst Stevie handed him over a bottle of alcohol which he was just holding, Ray put it away from him on the floor "you don't need that" he said whilst turning to face me now "hey are you ready?" He asked "yeah" I say smiling at him as he started skating to them whilst I followed behind. "What's up" he said whilst he exchanged handshakes with both of them.

Narrator POV

Stevie watched as Ray introduces Jordan to the skaters, they all sit down together talking about skating, it seemed to be going well until Fuckshit walked up to them "what's up Fuckshit?" Ray asked as Fuckshit turned around to look at them whilst laughing "you good?" Jordan asked as he carried on laughing, he starts to dab the guys up, he touches one of there heads instead of his hand "what the fuck" the guy which Fuckshit had touched his hair said clearly confused about who he was and why he had just done that, Jordan and Ray looked at each other in embarrassment at what Fuckshit was doing, Ray got up and went up to Fuckshit who was still laughing obliviously "go chill somewhere else bruh, just go for a little bit" he whispers to him trying to get him away from them, "ok" he said whilst walking away, his mood completely changed after Ray had said that "sorry about that" Jordan said clearly still embarrassed "he's my friend he's cool but when he gets drunk he's a fucking dick" Ray explains to the guys "don't even trip fuck it" one of the guys said. The conversation now ruined from Fuckshits antics.

As Jordan and Ray started meeting another one of the skaters friends, Fuckshit was sulking in the corner death glaring both of them, Stevie was skating to the ramp whilst Ruben was now skating in the opposite direction from Stevie, as they passed Stevie slightly hit his shoulder, Ruben instantly stopped skating "Watch out!" He said clearly pissed off "what's your problem, man?" Stevie said now skating back up to him "you're my fucking problem" Ruben said now off his skateboard walking closer to him to show his power over him, they repeated what they had just said but now Ruben had pushed Stevie away from him "don't fucking touch me!" Stevie announced walking back up to him clearly agitated "the fuck you gonna do faggot?" Ruben said pushing him again "don't fucking touch me-" Stevie said as he ran back to him now trying to push him, there words were all a blur as they argued whilst trying to gain dominance, a crowd started to form, excited to see who would win and what would happen, they were now on the floor fighting each other, Jordan and Ray had heard the commotion and had ran to the scene to see the two fighting, Jordan was shocked, she stood in the front row looking almost afraid of Ruben and what he was doing, Ray and Fourthgrade dragged the two boys apart, as Ray was dragging out Ruben, him and Jordan looked at each other, Ruben looked at her in sadness and anger whilst Jordan looked at him in confusion and fear from what she had just seen happen, she had never seen Ruben lash out like that ever, she didn't know how to react to what had just happened between the two boys.

Jordan's POV

A few hours after the party I saw Ruben sitting alone against a wall, he was sat smoking, I went up to him, he looked up to see my walking as I approached him, when I got there I stayed stood up "what do you want" he snapped at me "I wanted to ask what the fuck was going through your head?" I snapped back at him my arms now crossed "he started it" he pointed out, I scoffed at the excuse "god you sound like a 7 year old, your older then him you shouldn't be fighting him it's stupid, he hasn't done shit to you" I said "can you just fuck off" he spat at me "I don't want my boyfriend to be a guy who starts fights with other guys for the pettiest things and I definitely don't want a boyfriend who tells me to fuck off" I explain clearly annoyed "I don't give a shit if your gonna complain just leave" Ruben shouted at me, I stood in silence for a brief moment not knowing what to say I quickly turned away walking away from him now angry and sad.

The party at motors had now finished, plastic red cups were scattered everywhere, it was now night and me and the others were all sat around outside in different areas, I was smoking a cigarette whilst sat on my skateboard waiting to be driven home, Stevie was sat against the wall looking hungover whilst Ray and Fourthgrade were stood above him checking up on him, Ruben was stood against a wall with his skateboard in hand waiting to do the same as me. Suddenly Fuckshit walked outside to us all "hey those bitches wanna have a party at their parents place, let's roll" Fuckshit said still very drunk clearly, we all looked at him blankly, all of us just wanting to go home and be alone for the rest of the night, Ray walked up to him "get in the car" Fuckshit murmured to Ray whilst holding the keys, Ray turned to look at us all then look back at Fuckshit for a moment until he said "let's just get in" "alright, Stevie ride shotgun, you're the little G. Now you gonna pussy-wipe me bitch?" Fuckshit slurred clearly very drunk, I turned to look at Stevie who was staring blankly at him, we all reluctantly got in the car, to which I had to sit on Ruben's lap as there weren't enough seats.

As we were in the car driving, I felt the coldness of Ruben beneath me, he didn't hold me around my wait how he usually does instead he was barely touching me he just sheepishly has his arm barely touching my waist like usual, he wasn't even looking at me. No one in the car was speaking until Ray spoke up "yo, Fuckshit just take everybody home" "no we're going to this fucking party just chill" Fuckshit snapped back "fuck that shit let's just call it everybody in here is bummed" Ray stated "I'm not about to let you fuck up my fun you don't have any type of fun no more" Fuckshit said "nobody in this fucking car is having fun if you haven't noticed" Ray said slightly louder now "only fun you have is sucking them pros dicks, stop tryin' to kill my fun you used to be fun as hell-" Fuckshit was ranting about until a car quickly steered away from Fuckshit car as it beeped at us, instantly Ruben's hand around my waist tightened in fear of what had just happened "ah that's some fucking shit" Fuckshit giggled as we all sat there shell shocked about what just happened"CAN YOU JUST FUCKING TAKE US HOME" I shouted trying to hold in my tears, Fuckshit didn't reply, nobody did, we all just sat in silence again until after a minute Fourthgrade worked up the courage to say "could we like pull ove-" suddenly I saw a flash of white then everything was black.

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