Chapter 6

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Narrators POV

Ray and Fuckshit climbed over the fence first, when they got to the other side Fourthgrade jumped up the fence climbing over slowly but steadily as Jordan threw the water bottle over then climbing over the fence with Ruben who had already tossed there skateboards over the fence "come on toss your board over" Ray said to Stevie who was still stood on the other side of the fence absolutely mesmerised from seeing this. "today motherfucker" Ray said after a few seconds with no reply instantly snapping Stevie out of his thoughts, Stevie attempted to throw over his board but got it stuck at the top of the fence. The others laughed at him menacingly as Stevie stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do.

They were now all in the school grounds, Jordan and Fourthgrade were stood under the tree while Fourthgrade was filming her talking while they were both laughing while Ray and Fuckshit were moving the tables around the playground ready to skate on.

As stevie attempted to do an Ollie but unsuccessfully failed by falling on the floor, Fuckshit skated past him sniggering "fuck, shit, sunburn can take a fucking slam" he said whilst swiftly skating past him.

"So you're sunburnt now?" Ruben asked. The two boys were sat on top of one of the tables away from the others who were skating. "How come some people have nicknames and some don't?" Stevie asked "I dunno" Ruben said turning to look at Stevie "ray doesn't and neither does Jordan" Ruben added "rays the coolest and everyone likes Jordan. I think it's better not to have one" Ruben said as they watched Ray land a trick on his board. "Yeah Ray is awesome and Jordan's really pretty and stuff" Stevie said smiling to himself while watching the others skate, Ruben turned to look at him in annoyance that he had just said that about his Jordan. "You see that" Fuckshit screamed whilst landing a trick on skateboard as Jordan skated over to high five him. "Whys his name Fuckshit?" Stevie asked "cause anytime he sees a dope trick he yells out fuck, shit that was dope" "fuck shit that was dope" Fuckshit said to Jordan and Ray in the distance. "Yeah ray is awesome he skates just like in the videos" Stevie said changing the subject "yeah he's fucking insane" Ruben said as both boys whatched ray land another flip on his skateboard in disbelief "ever since I've met him he's gone from like dope to like next level dop, like pro dope" Ruben said looking back at Stevie. "Him and Fuckshit pretty much have the same tricks but Ray just has the sickest style ever" Ruben explained turning back to watch Jordan dab up Ray for the trick he just landed, he watched Jordan in awe as she skated away from Ray after dabbing him up, he watched her dyed blonde hair blow in the wind and watched how her smile always stayed on her face so nicely "whys his nickname fourth grade?" Stevie interrupted Ruben's thoughts "cause he's as smart as a fourth grader" Stevie giggled while Ruben turned back to look at Jordan "why does everyone like Jordan?" Stevie asked innocently "why would they not, shes like the coolest one and the nicest" Ray spat out "yeah it seems like they all like her" Stevie added as the boys watched Jordan skate with the others "Rays overprotective as fuck about her, I've known Jordan for longer then he has and he acts like an older brother towards her" "so if I asked Jordan out he wouldn't let her go out with me?"Stevie asked boldly, Ruben turned to look at him is disbelief and disgust"you have no fucking chance with her anyways, she doesn't like guys younger then her, like you" Ruben spat out at him in an annoyed tone clearly jealous "oh ok, do you know where the bathroom is?" Stevie asked awkwardly clearly embarrassed after Ruben's outburst "yeah" he said while getting up to pee next to the table where Stevie excitedly joined him to urinate next to him.


Sorry for short chapter, also ty for the 6 reads so far I appreciate it, cant wait for there to be more💕

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