Chapter 10

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Jordan POV

It was late afternoon and we were all in motors chilling, I was going through the mail like usual on the sofa as Fuckshit, Ray and Ruben were sat around the counter talking until stevie walked in all of a sudden, a big smile plastered across his face whilst holding his skateboard. "Fuck. Man look at this crazy ass bitch right here" Fuckshit said whilst giggling to himself "how's your head psycho?" Ray asked getting up from his chair to greet stevie "it's fine" he replied "no sunburn it's definitely not fine" Ray said "got some fucked up shit going on up there" Ray said whilst giving him a warm comfort smile as he sat back down, "yeah that boys looking pretty fucked up" Ray said looking down at stevies skateboard "yeah" stevie agreed as Ray got back up from the chair he was sat on to grab a new motors deck "I think you should have one of these" Ray said handing him the new deck "oh I don't have any money" stevie said slightly sad as Fuckshit giggled to what he just said  "no you don't understand, it's yours" Ray comforted him "no one will be missing it" Fuckshit stated "damn Stevie your gonna get all the girls with that board" I said jokingly now joining in the conversation whilst standing up from the sofa to walk over to everyone "are you fucking serious?" Stevie yelled to Ray excitedly while holding the deck "are you fucking serious?" Ruben said looking pissed off while getting off the stool he was on to walk out the shop, I turned around from Stevie and the others to see Ruben opening the door with his skateboard to leave "hey come back with some skittles" Ray called after him clearly unbothered about him "I'll go with him" I said as I grabbed my skateboard to rush outside to catch up with him as the others stayed in the shop clearly not caring at all about Ruben.

"Ruben" I called after as ruben was now on his skateboard skating away, I got on my skateboard and started skating after him while calling his name until he turned around looking annoyed "what" he snapped back whilst stopping in the middle of the street to see what I wanted "I just wanted to see if you were ok" I said my face softening "why's he always here? It's like he wants to take my place in the group it's not fucking fair" Ruben yelled clearly annoyed as passers by in the street looked at him confused or disgusted "Ruben I'm sure that he doesn't mean-" "why are you standing up for him?" Ruben cut me off clearly annoyed "can we talk about this in private, let's go to the beach it'll be quiet at this time" I said quietly whilst looking around seeing others staring at us like we'd murdered someone "whatever" Ruben said whilst walking away from me in the direction of the beach.

We walked in silence until we made it to the beach where we sat on a bench on the concrete part of the beach so we didn't get our feet covered in sand. The sun was almost gone as we sat for a minute in silence until Ruben asked "do you like him?" "What, not in that way what are you on about" I turned to face him looking disgusted at him "then why are you always so nice to him and why do you stand up for him?" Ruben murmured in a cold tone whilst avoiding eye contact with me "I'm not standing up for him I'm just saying that he probably doesn't realise you feel that way-" "see your standing up for him" Ruben interrupted yet again in an angry tone "you know your really annoying me right now, why are you acting like this?" "I don't know it's just annoying it's like he's trying to take you away from me or something" he murmured the last part. My cold face turned into a warm face, I felt like I was blushing faintly. "What?" I ask completely shocked by what he just said, he looked up at me slightly "forget what I just said-" I interrupted him by kissing him, after a split second he kissed me back, I felt feelings I had never felt before explode in my stomach as he ran his fingers through my hair whilst I wrapped my arms around his neck. Eventually I pulled away, slowly opening my eyes as we looked at each other attempting not to smile.

We walked home together now in darkness as the moon shone down on us, we walked together in a comfortable silence until we got to my apartment, I let go of his hand "see you tomorrow?" I ask smiling at him "yeah see you" he said as he walked away grinning to himself.
As soon as I walked through the door of the empty apartment I ran to the phone to call estee one of my best friends.


Hope u guys r enjoying

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