Chapter 7

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Jordan POV

Later that day all 6 of us were sat on the staircase outside the building of the school property, I was sat next to Ray and Ruben, we were all chilling and talking until "Hey" I looked up to see a rent a cop from the other side of the fence "Hey!" He exclaimed again trying to get all of our attention "ya'll not supposed to be around here, get the fuck out" he yelled at us "shut up" Ruben shouted at him while throwing a stone at him. "Don't you throw rocks at me" "fuck you" I said as me and Ruben exchanged a smile while giggling to ourselves "lil man, get the fuck off the property, all right?" The cop commanded whislt looking at Stevie now who quickly got up whilst grabbing his skateboard to walk over to the cop "sunburn what're you doing?" Ray asked shocked that Stevie would even get up "don't get fucked up like the rest of these. Come here" the cop stated, we all started screaming Stevies name, beckoning him to come back "don't let them get you fucked up. Come here" the officer said as Stevie turned back round to look at us, clearly confused on what was right and wrong. "You're not even a real cop" I shouted as Stevie looked back at the cop "he be a rent-a-cop" Fuckshit shouted, "SUNBURN" we all shouted "Stevie this bitch a rent-a-cop" Fuckshit announced as Stevie swiftly turned his head back round to look at Fuckshit "hey no, come here" the officer beckoned him, "Stevie!" Fuckshit shouted again as he turned to walk back towards us again. "Fuck you, I make more than all you" the officer announced clearly disappointed in stevies actions "fuck you" Ray said "what the fuck you doing skating with these white boys?" The officer asked Ray "oh so I'm a boy now?" I stated whilst rolling my eyes "yo, surfs up motherfucker, that's who you think you are?" He asked "hey the little __ with the toys-r-us badge come here" Fuckshit said whilst flapping his arms around the place "you cant say __ I don't think" the officer said "you fucking Sheryl crow-looking motherfucker" said the officer "I don't know who that is but bitch fuck you" "you look Samoan motherfucker" the officer said as we laughed at him "all right that was funny, that was pretty funny. That was funny" Ray said "get the fuck out here" the officer cut us all off from our laughter as Ruben threw a paper cup of water at him "what the fuck is wrong with you? You know that's a fucking felony right? ese" the cop said as he approached the fence even more "you're a rent-a-cop" Ruben shouted back "you'll be in fuckin prison with your uncle" "we'll hop the fence then bitch" Ray shouted "you hop the fence" the cop commanded "oh all right" Ray said as he quickly got up walking over to the fence "I'll hop the fence right now and whup your ass" Ray said as he carried on walking towards the officer "stay right there" the cop said "I'm gonna hope the fence" Ray said getting even closer to the fence now "now I'm in your face. Hop the fence" Ray said "man fuck you bitch" "fuck you" Ray answered back "fuck you" "you need Jesus" Ray said "no no you need Jesus" "you smoking cigarettes on school property" Ray answered back "the Bible is pro-cigarettes, bitch Jesus smoked cigarettes" the officer said attempting to educate him "oh yeah what type of cigarettes he smoked?" Ray asked while smirking "Jesus smoked kools bitch" the officer said as we all started laughing.

Sorry if your getting confused about the speech, I'm just going off the script as a whole and what they say as I want to make it as realistic as possible ig. Also hope ur enjoying🤭

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