Ch.4: Since I'm Half Werewolf I Have Huge Anger Issues

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Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on! How long does it take to get some food?

You might be wondering why I'm being very impatient. Well, Blake was taking ages to decide what would be 'good and healthy' for him. After he finally got some steak with BBQ sauce, I got the take out box near by and got some sushi and cheese pizza. I also got a bottle of water and coke.

This should be enough.

"ACE!" Hunter ran towards me, balancing a plate of pasta.

"Hey Hunter, what's up?" I asked as I walked to get some cups and napkins.

He looked around to check no one was listening to us. "Um, Brooke may have ran away..."

I took in a sharp breath. Oh, I'm screwed if they find her at my place.

"I know you found her. Don't worry I won't tell anyone, cause she needs to cool off, but give her this." He passed me a small card. "And this." He passed me a small bottle of what I presume was water.

"Okay, I'm heading back to my place, see you tomorrow." I rushed, already walking away.

"Bye." He muttered as he walked away to Alpha Jake.


"Brooke! I'm back!" I yelled, putting down the food on a small dinning table I had in the 'living room'.

Ace, help. Brooke's soft voice echoed in my head.

Running into my bedroom, I saw her, still in wolf form, glaring at the carpet. "God Brooke, I thought someone broke in and hurt you!" I scowled at her.

Ace, how do I turn back to me? she whimpered, looking up at me with green eyes.

"Oh, um... Just imagine your self in human form. Simple as that." I turned around and got a shirt and some boxers for her.

"Ow!" She yelped. "This hurts... A lot."

Chuckling at her, I turned around. "Here's some clothes."

She yelped and covered her naked body. "Don't you have manners?! Don't look at me naked!"

Covering my eyes with one hand, I threw her the clothes with the other hand. Stifling a laugh.

"Okay, you can look now."

Oh, how I wish I didn't. I just wanted to take her right there and then. Her tan legs were in plain view, and my shirt was slipping off one shoulder.

F*ck. I thought as I felt heat crawl to my soldier.

"I, urm, brought food..." I coughed. "And Hunter wanted me to give you these." I passed her the card and bottle.

"Thanks." She replied curtly.

"I'll be in the living room if you need me."



"Any untold secrets?" She asked.

"I'm not actually going to become the Beta, my older brother is." I sighed,

She gasped. "You've been lying to me?!?!" I saw her eyes change to black.

"Yes-ish. I'm still being taught how to be a beta for if something happens to my brother, but in the meantime, I'm an Omega, the lowest rank in werewolf society." That made her eyes turn to green.

"Oh," Brooke pouted. "You poor thing!" She leaned over to hug me tightly, making my wolf purr.

'This. This is nice.' JC, my wolf, purred over and over again.

Shhh, I'm happy so shush! I barked back.

"Okay, my turn, but you have to swear not to tell a single soul!" She hissed, her eyes back to black.

"I swear! Plus, hardly anyone want to talk to an omega." I held my right hand up and put my left hand on her hand.

Taking a deep breath, she rushed out what she said. "I'mactuallyanaiad."

"What? Slower please."

"I'm actually a naiad." She whispered. "And since I'm half werewolf, I have huge anger issues."

Looking at her questioningly, I quirked an eyebrow at her. "Why didn't you say anything? I mean, we're friends!"

She looked down with a pained look. "Mother said it would anger the pack, and father would be shunned."

"Why would Alpha Jake be shunned?" I asked softly.

"My mother and him aren't actually mates, and his mate died a long time ago. And since mating with someone who isn't your mate is shunned in the werewolf community." She bit her lip.

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense. What's your brother then? Or is he still a werewolf?" I asked, unconsciously moving closer to her.

"Well, I'm a cloud nymph, but I suppose I could shift into a wolf too." Someone spoke from behind me. Turning around, I saw a translucent version of Hunter floating behind me. "Oh, and thanks for blabbing to Ace about us." He growled sarcastically at Brooke.

I don't know why, but that made my wolf growl at him.

"He's trustworthy, trust me. Plus, we can tell when he's lying, so either way..." Brooke trailed off.

"Father has been worried about you. Almost had the whole pack look for you, but I convinced him otherwise, telling him I was going to find you." Hunter shrugged. "When do you plan to come back?"

Brooke looked down, and then at me with green eyes. "Probably another day or two if that's fine with you, Ace."

My wolf took over immediately, nodding like a bobble head. "Yes, that's perfectly fine."

"Yay!" She grinned. She suddenly leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Hunter, can you tell father that I'm just off thinking in a lake or something?"

Hunter nodded, leaning over to hug her, and then left with out another word.

"Okay," I rubbed my neck. "So... Pizza?"


Sorry, very short chapter.



Me: Yes. For the meantime. Oh, and also...

Aston: *cowards in corner*

Any whoop,

Pic of Blake

Until next time,



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