Ch.14: Nrrrrghhh... Hrrruuueeeeew fiiiiiihfyyyyyyyyyy fuuuuuu

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Ch.14: Nrrrrghhh... Hrrruuueeeeew fiiiiiihfyyyyyyyyyy fuuuuuu


"Hunter?" My mate asked. "You there? I'd like to talk with you." I slowly moved my head towards her direction, continuing to read more of the packs' rules, and as I finished the fiftieth rule, I paid all my attention towards her. Willow. My mate. "Hunter, you need to take a break, you haven't left the office in three days, and during that time you've only eaten twice!"

Sighing softly, I got up and walked towards her, hands trailing towards her slender waist. "I know Will, but this is already hard as it is, and me not being completely werewolf is gonna complicate things. I am not as strong as father, and I am quite literally a cloud. It would be a miracle if I can win our fight fairly, with no acting included."

Willow sighed and rested her hands on waist in return before laying her head on my collarbone, right under my chin. Her dark red hair tickling my chin slightly, but I pulled her closer. "How's your sister? I still haven't met her, and I'd love to meet her before our niece comes." Her sentence was slightly muffled from our position, but I responded nonetheless.

"Ace is being an overprotective mate, and I guess with me trying to memorize all the packs' laws, I forgot about you two meeting."  Before she could growl at me for being an oblivious idiot, I lowered my head slightly and kissed her softly. "But, we can go tomorrow at noon. Hmm? How does that sound?"

After a few seconds of thinking, she nodded and looked up. "Okay, but I will hold this against you if you forget again."

Chuckling softly, I nodded and pecked her lips once more before pulling away discontentedly and trudging towards the sheets of laws and rules. Only two hundred and four rules left. That's only two 'one hundred and two's, and that's only four 'fifty-one's. Goddess give me strength.


"Nrrrrghhh... Hrrruuueeeeew fiiiiiihfyyyyyyyyyy fuuuuuuu... Aaaaahhhhhhhhh abruuuuusihhhhh maaahhssss aaaaahhhrggggg fuuuu feeeeeeee bufffffffffiggheeeehhhhh..." I drooled out, eight tenth of me asleep. "Hrrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuew fiiiiiiiiighy ffiiiiiieeeeeeeeee..."

The hand that had partially gotten me awake shook me once more and a low groan came from me, my body suddenly feeling lighter and had cooled down from stuffy and sweating to light and breezy. "Shhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiii- Hu-Hunter, sweetheart, baby, wake up. Oh crap. Shoot. Sh*t. Cheese balls. Moon goddess. Celestia."

Something lifted my head slightly up and I mumbled random syllables that didn't make sense. The hand slowly let go of my head and my body tilted to the right, the cool air causing my body to shift slightly and mix with the air. I felt myself hit the ground and take a fully air form, causing me to suddenly awaken. This hasn't happened in years, and gods do I feel rejuvenated. I could feel Willow, who had tried and somewhat succeeded in waking me up, move around, her voice literally vibrating through me.

Allowing myself a few seconds of peace and control, I concentrated on the particles that were mine and made my body more solid that it was, making my human form appear next to my seat. The moment I became fully solid, my hands shoot towards the chair to balance myself, my head dizzy with the rush from changing forms too many times, too quickly, in the same hour.

"Will? Why did you wake me? Urg..." I took a seat and pressed my fingers onto my temples, the sudden rush of air and water vapor seemed to be putting pressure on my head and it was beyond uncomfortable. "Please do not make me change anytime soon, my body can only endure so much in so little time."

Willow had rushed to my side and smiled weakly. "You have me a heart attack, you bastard. Consider yourself lucky for being my shmexy mate." She wrapped her arms around me and I could hear her quickened heart beats.

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