Ch.8: I'm JC

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This chapter is in between of rated PG13 and rated R
If you wish, skip to ch.10 to return to the PG/PG13 stuff


Putting on some boxers, I slipped into bed. Feeling something on my lap, I turned and saw Storm, Brooke's fox, laying there.

"Come here," I patted besides me. Storm rushed towards me and snuggled under my arm.

"Ace, I... Um... Forgot the clothes outside," Brooke knocked on the door.

"Oh, um..." I started to get out of the bed.

"I'm going to go get them." She yelled. "And no, I'm not naked, I have a towel."

Sighing, I leaned back into the bed. The door creaked open, and I couldn't help but look, and boy I was turned on as f*ck.

She had water droplets on her legs, shoulders, and a few on her eyelashes. As she walked, the towel would lift ever so slightly, showing more of her legs.

"Mine." I growled softly, JC taking over. He made me grab her and slam her on the bed, the towel dropping on the process.

"ACE! I'M NAKED! WHERE ARE YOUR MANNERS!" Brooke cried, squirming and trying to cover herself.

Growling lowly, I heard the familiar sound of ripping. Now in wolf form, I struggled to take back control. 'I'm JC.'
(A/N.: am I the only one who thought 'I am Groot,'?)
JC growled, leaning forwards and sniffing her neck, right above where her mark would be. Our mark.

"JC, please get off me." She whimpered, but my wolf ignored it, and started licking her neck.

'You are mine.' He growled lowly, licking one last time before bitting, causing her to cry out, tears moistening my fur.

"St-stop! Please!" She was sobbing right now, but my wolf just wanted her to be his, not caring for her well being at the moment.

'JC, stop, you're hurting her.' I pleaded, fighting for control.

'Im not hurting my mate!' He cried back, pulling away at last from Brooke's neck, but immediately took the fact that she was naked to his advantage.

'JC, don't do it.' I warned, almost getting in control.

He ignored me and forcefully spread her legs open.

"NO!" Brooke yelled, as he started to lose it all over again. "Please, Ace, stop." She whispered, starting to pale, but not losing consciousness.


I don't remember when JC shifted back into human form, but I wasn't in control still. Only when he finished did he allow me to take back control. I was too weak when I got back in control, that I just blacked out, and I think so did Brooke soon after.

'I'm sorry Brooke.' I kept on thinking as my vision was fading, and she looked at me with scared, green eyes. 'I'm so sorry.'


Getting up, I gasped at what I saw. Brooke was bleeding from her female parts and her neck, covering my mark. She had scratches on her arms, and her face had tear streaks.

'Oh my gods, did I do this?' The memory of last night came to my head and I immediately fell weak all over again. 'JC!'

'What?!' He barked, obviously pissed.

'What the f*ck is wrong with you!'

He suddenly took over the body. 'You're too weak to protect our mate. Rest, I'll stay.'

Too enraged I stood my ground. 'No, you might hurt her again!' His growl was warning enough, and I let him take over. 'F*ck you.'


Wow, I- wow.


Me: Oh Acy, come here baby!
*Ace comes and I hug him*
Oh you poor thing. Where is JC?

JC: What?!

Me: Are you sassing me?

JC: *cowards* No ma'am

Me: Good, now you will apologize to Brooke. NOW!

*JC runs away to find Brooke*

Don't worry, it's not the end, I will make this better.

Any whoop,

Pic of new Ace

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