Ch.11: Decide on the Baby's Name

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I wasn't even watching the movie, just freaking out. I'm carrying a child. Ace's child. Oh gods. Oh gods!

Ace seemed to feel my anxiety, because he pulled me into a hug. "If you're anxious because of the pup, don't be." He kissed the spot he bit me on. "I want to keep our pup. Please tell me why you're anxious."

Looking up at him, I pouted. "I don't know if I'm ready for this, I'm only eighteen. And what would the baby be? Naiad? Werewolf? Both? And what about the mate treaty our pack and Blake's pack made?" I rambled on.

"Babe, calm down." He chuckled. "The treaty is already made, the marriage was a 'just-in-case' thing. I'm pretty sure they'll understand, they can't separate mates. It's against the elders wishes."

I scrunched up my nose in disgust at the name 'babe'. "Don't call me 'babe'. I'm not a piglet."

Ace chuckled at me. "Just don't over think it, okay?"

"Okay." I nodded, snuggling closer to him. "Still wanna decide on the baby's name?"

I bounced up in excitement. "Oh yes! It has to be nature based. End of story."

"Okay, boy names," Ace started, looking at me with joy. "I like Griffon, or Phoenix."

Nodding, I thought of names. "Blaze, Dewey, or Dewy." I bounced up and down. "Write that down while I think about female names!"

He chuckled, kissing my cheek before getting up to get a sheet of paper and a pencil. "I like Pearl, Starr, or Nova."

"Oh, oh! How about Peony or Peaches!" I asked, excitement bubbling inside me. "Write those down! Nooooooooow!"

Nodding, he finished writing down the names. "Okay, for boys we have... Griffon, Phoenix, Blaze, Dewy, or Dewey." He pulled me into a hug as he continued. "For girls we have... Pearl, Starr, Nova, Peony, or Peaches."

I squealed in joy as I kissed him over and over again. "Oh, I'm so excited." Looking at my stomach, I patted it. "You are going to be the best thing ever. You are going to be my little baby."

Ace pulled me into a hug and laid his hands on my stomach. "Our baby, Brooke. Our baby."

Moving to look up, I kissed his chin. "Yes, our baby."


Filler chapter... Sorry...


Pic of Brooke's Dad (Jake)

Any whoop,

Until next time,

Werewolf and the Mermaid, no, sorry, Naiad.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin