Chapter 12: You Never Noticed

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'When should we tell our family?' JC asked me.

Ah, sh*t, I don't know. I replied in realization. Maybe whenever she want to.

After a few seconds of silence, he replied. 'Okay.'

"Ace? Have you seen Storm?" Brooke asked as she threw the covers in the air to see of the fox was under it.

"No, but I could track him down." I offered.

She nodded quickly as she ran to the kitchen area to see if it was in a cabinet. "Wait! I found him! He was eating something that looks like beans."

Eyes widening, I rushed towards her. "F*ck, I was going to use that to make dinner!" I growled lowly at the fox before turning to face Brooke again. "I'm going to go buy another bag of beans. Do you need anything?"

She furrowed her eyes at me. "Ace, are you feeling alright? You seem tense?" She took my hand and rubbed it softly. "Do you want to talk?"

"When should I tell my family about you?" I ask bluntly.

She chuckled before smiling softly. "Why are you so worried about this? We can go visit them now and tell them! My family already knows, well, not my mother, but I had Hunter send her a letter with the news."

Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair. "I'm just worried about their reaction."

"Ace, don't worry. I'll be with you the whole time." She assured me.

"I-I guess we can go-"

"Yay! Let's go!" She squealed, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the cave/house.


My mom squealed in delight just as Brooke finished telling my family the news. "I'm going to be a grandma! Oh, I have to make my grandpup a quilt! Come on Brooke, you can tell me more about you while I make it." Without waiting for a reply, she took Brooke's hand and guided her to her crafts room.

Just as the door to the room closed, my dad turned to me with a growl. "YOU F*CKING IDIOT! WHY THE F*CK WOULD YOU MAKE ME A GRANDFATHER BEFORE I EVEN F*CKING RETIRED!!!" As he was yelling, he kept on hitting me on the head with a rolled up newspaper, like I was a bad dog.

My wolf growled and whimpered, enraged that he would speak so low of me, but scared because he was of a higher rank than me. 'Bad idea to tell him. Maybe we should have only told the mother instead...'

You think? I thought back, bitting back an Ow! Can't he stop? I'm not a misbehaved puppy!

"ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME BOY? RESPECT ME! I AM YOUR FATHER!!!" He continued yelling, now adding two newspapers. Two!

Letting out my wolf, I growled. "You never acted like one!" My voice was deadly quite, and it surprised him. "Whenever I broke a bone, you never asked how or brought me to the pack doctor, you just said 'suck it up'. If you maybe would've asked, like mom, then you would've known that I was bullied and beat up from the beginning of middle school, to the end of high school."

"Your brother-"

"Was in the group of bullies. He burnt me with that d*mn flat iron that mom bought for Lindsay. You never noticed how I always came home with a cut, or a bruise, or even limping! You didn't even noticed that I stayed at home, doing Chase's homework while he and Lindsay went to prom! You never noticed that I never even dated anyone while Chase had a new girlfriend each week! You probably didn't even know that Brooke was the first time I ever had s*x! You never noticed I moved out and into a cave! You never noticed that I am the pack's therapist and main nurse!" I sniffled, bitting back anything I would regret. "You never noticed I had to go to therapy to stop..."

He just blinked, looking shocked and surprised. "S-stop wh-what?"

"Cutting. I used to cut because of it all. I used to cut, because I felt that if I left, you would finally notice." Whipping my eyes with the back of my hand, I sniffled some more. "That you would actually care." I looked up at him with blurry eyes. "And do you?"

He just gapped at me. "I-I-"

JC got annoyed and growled. "You what? You never noticed? You never noticed your own child was mistreated for years?!" I was fighting JC from shifting, but I felt my claws and canines extend. A small gasp came from behinds me, but JC and I ignored it. "So tell me father, why did you never notice?" By now I was practically half shifted, my ears pointed and thin layer of fur coating me.

"Ace! Stop! Please!" I felt Brooke cling into my arm, relaxing me a bit. "Ace, I think we should head home."

Home. I thought, relaxing completely.

"I'm so sorry for all this Sarah. Maybe we could talk another day?" She said, keeping a grip on my forearm.

My mother nodded, rushing up to her and hugging her. "I'll come up to your place in a few days darling." She pecked Brooke's cheek and then mine. "Good-bye sweetie, see you soon."

I pecked her cheek before allowing Brooke to lead me back. "Are you okay Ace?"

I shook my head, pulling her closer to me. "I-I don't know..."


Filler Chapter!!!

... And yeah...

Pic of Storm!

Until next time,

Oh, and don't forget to comment down the baby name(s) you want!

(Brooke's and Ace's choices:)
-Dewy (or Dewey)


Have fun in the comments!
Okay, BYEEEEE!!!

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