Ch.13: A/N: this is a filler chapter

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(A/N: this is a filler chapter. Please don't FREAK THE FLYING ALPACAS OUT! I'm also doing this: I AM ALLOWING Y'ALL TO CREAT HUNTER'S MATE CHARACTER!!! (I'll decide the 'winner', and the 'winner' will be given a shout-out and I will vote on one of their stories (over and over again.) Now, proceed with the story.)


I frowned as I moved and controlled the water particles in my body to change my lags into the tail. We were taking a mid-night swim. I looked up at Ace. "Ace, I'm scared."

"Why Brooky?" He asked as he slid into the lake and pulled me into his arms. My tail was now in between his legs, and the fins on my arms seemed to move closer to him.

I looked down and then back up. "What would happen to the baby if I shift again? What would the baby be like? What if it doesn't make it?" By now, I was freaking out.

"Brooke, the pup will be fine! You can shift and when you do, the pup usually shifts too with the mother so nothing happens to it." He rubbed his nose against the place he bit me causing me to purr softly. "And most likely it will be a hybrid, of werewolf considering you're part werewolf. And it will make it, never has there been a werewolf who died at or during birth."

Nodding, I got closer to him. "Oh, question, can Hunter shift? Or no."

"He can, and he found his mate." Ace whispered into my ear as I moved the water particles in his body so he would get closer to me.

"He found his mate?!" I asked, shocked and happy.

Nodding, Ace pulled me closer. "Yup, she's going to be the future luna of the pack."

"Okay..." I replied as a yawn escaped my lips. "I'm going to get some sleep, kay? Kay." With another yawn, I closed my eyes and leaned into his warm chest. "Wake me up in the morning."


Okay, see, filler.

Now, I'm not going to update this (or The Nerd and Geek Twins) for a little bit for many reasons. First one being that I'm writing other stories. Another being that I just started high school. (Fun, right?) The last reason (that I'll give you) is that I want y'all to be able to decide on the name and character of Hunter's mate, and Ace and Brooke's baby/babies.

The next chap will be the one of two HunterPOV's, and his mate's POV will be added after his first one and last one.

Also, for every comment next to a babies name is a vote, so here are your choices:

(Brooke's and Ace's choices:)
-Dewy (or Dewey)


Pic of Random Cute Fox (I think...)

Until next time,

Werewolf and the Mermaid, no, sorry, Naiad.Where stories live. Discover now