Summoned (Logan backstory)

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In UCM office there were all types of weird books,scribes and readings with different pictures of ancient horrors from beyond the stars. Of course UCM studies all that stuff so he started to dabble into it and found a way to summon one of the many powerful monsters.UCM stands over a demonic/Astrological sigil as he lights some candles. "Okay here goes nothing." He says  as he starts to chant an ancient tongue as the sigil glows a dark purple as fire starts to burn around the  sigil a blob of space and stars float out of the portal that was made as the candles and fire snuff out leaving UCM in the complete dark.The blob starts to form into a tall shadow with stars and different galaxies on it. "Ah hello there mortal my name is-"The creature said it's name but it couldn't be translated or heard to the human ear. "But most of my peers call me Logan" he says as he sticks out his hand for it to be shaken. UCM shakes his hand back and then Logan wraps his arm around UCM neck and walks around the office with him. "Usually you earthlings call me for favors so what do you desire from me?" Logan asked as UCM looks at him very uncomfortable "I did want something but I don't know anymore....." he says as he backs away from Logan as Logan's sharp teeth grinned while UCM talked and all the demonic astrological energy went around him "Sorry I didn't mean to alarm you sir.....if you asked me to stay I'd be charmed too"Logan says as he walks around UCM office "From what I see you earthlings all have such cozy little lives How do you survive in this world?" He says as UCM just watched him walk around as Logan looked directly at UCM and suddenly Logan was behind him whispering "But you got a lovely little secret hm?" Logan says as UCM shivers as Logan zips in front of him "You're tired of feeling awful small,So you gave Mr Logan a call to make a deal?"He says as he walks around behind him and puts his palm out in front of UCM face  "Because you're hungry for the sights,You wanna see them,Earthling delights you feel you need them.Your appetites I'll help you feed them" he said as in his hand a blob showed UCM all his deepest wants and wishes as he closes his palm "But I know that's not why I'm here!" He says as he looks at UCM "I'm here because you need a replacement of sorts....ah yes it's sad ever since Goldy left the group it's been empty for you and the rest of them....So I'll cut you a deal......I'll become the 4th member of your little group and whatever else you need help with or whatever wants you need I'll get them for you in exchange though" He says as his sharp toothy grin becomes wide "I want you're soul".Now this was a very tempting offer for UCM because he had just been kicked from being the dean and now Goldy left and olive left him too everything been horrible so of course the only thing he could say was "Yes" UCM replies as he sticks his hand out and Logan's shakes his hand "Excellent I'll have a ship crash by tomorrow in front of the daycare Ryan will see it and we go from there" Logan says as he walks away from UCM "Pleasure doing business with you" he says as he steps into the shadows and disappears. UCM sits down in the office chair and thinks about what he just did "what have I done......"

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