Free UCM🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥

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UCM was sitting in a chair watching Tina yap about her problems as he just admired her doing quote on quote "bitch about petty shit". As he sat there about to fall asleep he jolts up as Tina yells at him "UNICORN ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING??!!" UCM looks up at her "yeah yeah something about.......uhhhhh......Your dad and a car or something?" He says as Tina sighs and sits down next to him. "You are literally the worst venting partner where's Ryan?" She asks annoyed,UCM looks down at the floor as Tina kept venting about stupid shit as she was doing it she randomly passed out. UCM just sat there unfazed as Anti formed in front of him and out of anti came Ryan. "Look what we got here" Ryan says as he moved Tina body out of the chair as he sat next to him "how you been Unicorn having fun listening to her?" He said as he looks down at Tina. "No not really I want to leave but..." he said as Ryan interrupted "but you made a deal and" he opens his hand as a green chain which links to a collar over UCM neck appears. "Ever since you got these damn powers you've changed.....and not in a good way, Like what do you gain from "owning my soul" or whatever?" UCM asks as Ryan looked at him. "Well you see whenever I randomly got these powers one morning and you found out these aren't reversible and There permanent....well you know how I get with power" he smirks as he wraps the chain around his hands making it tight on UCM neck. "I want out....." UCM said "hm?" Ryan asks as UCM jumps out his seat and looks at Ryan "stop fucking around this taking forever,you always think you're real slick and clever..." UCM snaps "But yet I know what you like and what makes you tick,tick,tick" he said in a sing song tone as he looks behind him and looks over at goldy on her phone. UCM chuckled a bit as he sat back down "you're lucky.....if I never made that deal...." UCM said as Ryan interrupts him "But you did because you were desperate for her approval and the only person you knew that would help you was me~" he said with a sadistic tone of voice.UCM sighs as Ryan got up as the chains faded away as he got up and walks on Tina.He looked down "Oops" he said as he laughed and walked out the room. UCM just sat there and thought about how he even got into this predicament.

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