Hangover(Tony x Ryan pt.2)

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The sun shines into Tony's room as Ryan was just waking up. "W-where the hell am I?" He says as he looks around and immediately noticed the room was not his. "Am I in.....No there's no way" he said as he sees Tony on his phone next him. "You're finally up?" Tony said as Ryan sighs. "I would jump out this bed and out the window but im too tired....and my head hurts".Ryan looks around as he lays his head back onto Tony's pillow.Tony gets up and grabs a tray from his dresser and gives it to Ryan.Ryan looks down and sees it's some pancakes with eggs and bacon and some tea. "Y-you made this for me?" Ryan said as Tony nods.Ryan proceeds to scarf down all the food. "That was so good...thanks Tony" Ryan said. "It's the least I can do since you stayed the night" Tony said as Ryan proceed to put his hands on Tony's hips.Tony looked at Ryan with a annoyed and confused look as Ryan slowly crawls onto Tonys lap and just cuddles him as he puts his head into Tony's chest. "You're so warm babe" Ryan said as he stared to scoot closer into Tony. Tony blushed a dark red as he heard Ryan call him babe,he then proceeded to pet Ryan's hair and kiss his cheek "stop being so cute..."Tony mumbles as Ryan rolls off of Tony and back to his side of the bed as he proceeds to wrap his leg around Tony and basically latch onto Tony from the waist down and falls asleep next to Tony.Tony grabs his phone and calls out of work he then hung up and wraps his arms around Ryan and he fell asleep big spooning Ryan.

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