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I woke up to see Tiffany holding my waist naked in his doll body while I was looking at him. I felt sick. I got him off of me, went to the bathroom, and threw up. 

I started to panic about what was going on and then the first thing in my head was that I was pregnant. I started to accrue that I couldn't get pregnant that fast and also was a doll. I calm myself and try to wake up Tiffany so we can go back to the love birds' room. 

Tiffany woke up and looked at me "Well hello wife." He kissed my lips which I accepted were about to go further but I stopped him. He gave me a disappointed look. 

"Yes I know I also want to do it as well but we need to get back so they won't suspect anything." he nodded his hand I grabbed his hand and we went together to their rooms. Then a woman screamed and the couple left the room to release their need to go in the morning. 

They picked us up and took us back to the van. They started arguing about who was crazy but then someone got to their window which scared them but by their looks, he was their best friend then he was in the entire van. But then the friend kept trying to console their relationship "Anyway. The thing that struck me, is how sure you both sounded. And that could mean one of three things. One of you is lying, both of you are wacko, or both of you are wrong." 

Their friend says. "I've never seen you two hurt a fly And I've concluded that what we have here is a big misunderstanding," he added. "Do you guys smell something in here?" He asks. 

I look at Tiffany before looking away. "So if it's not you and it's not me, then who killed Warren and Norton back there?" Jesse asked. "And those two from last night?" Jade asked. 

They started to talk some more but their friend kept complaining about the smell. He went toward the box to reveal Warren's dead body. His shocked face looked towards Jesse and Jade who were apologizing to each other for accusing one another. 

"David, what will we do without you?" Jesse asked. He trunks around looking at them. "What do you mean without me?" He asked. "I mean you set us straight! We owe you one." Jesse said.

 Jade smiled at him "You're a good friend. The best." Jade tried to hug him but suddenly he pointed a gun at the two.

 "Pull over! Pull over now!" David yells in panic. Jesse pulls over and David backs away from the two. "C'mon buddy, it's me! Let's talk this over! Jesse tried to tell him "I'm not your buddy!" he said. 

"F***David! Just put the gun down!" Jesse yelled "Why? So you can kill me?"" He loaded the gun and pointed it at them. "We didn't do anything!" Jade yelled. "Really? Oh, you're good! You even had me filled!" He yelled. 

"What are you talking about?!" Jade yells "This!" He lifted the top of the box to reveal Warren was lying. Jade gasped. "Oh my god!" She put a hand to her mouth. 

"You son of a b****!" Jade yells at Jesse. "David, I didn't do it, she did it!" Jesse yells. They continued to yell and have their argument and David opened the back door "Shut up! Shut up! " He yelled. 

He waved at police as their sirens went off as soon as they saw him. "Alright. Are you ready?" I asked him to nod his head and I gave Tiffany a gun then we jumped out and pointed our guns at the three "Nobody moves!" I yelled. 

They all looked back and David looked terrified. He backed up to the road only to get run over by a truck. "No!!" Jade screamed. 

His blood and organs were everywhere and spilled on the road. "Get this piece of s*** moving! Now, now!" Tiffany yelled. Jesse got to the front of the van and drove off. 

I forced Jade to open the van while I shot the police car that was chasing us. She closed the van doors and they drove faster. While me and Tiffany watch Jesse and Jade. 

"I imagine that at this point you two must have a lot of questions." I started "You do know who I am?" I asked, "(Doll name)." Jesse said "Right. And this Tiffany." I said, 

 "I believe we've already met, haven't we sweet face?" Tiffany said to Jesse. He looked at him with a surprised and uneasy look. "So uhm..., how'd you end up like this?" He asked, "Well it's kind of a long story."

 I said, "It sure is." Tiffany added. "If it were a movie it would take 3-4 sequels just to tell it." I said, "What are you gonna do with us?" Jade asked. 

"Funny you should ask." I replied "These bodies are okay. But they are like apartments that were just renting. But now we're moving on up."

 Tiffany explained, "Like George and Louise." I added "And we're looking to buy." Tiffany said. "And you know what they say about real estate location, location, location. 

Well, you guys are at the right place and at the wrong time." I said then we started to laugh but then we calmed our laughs when we heard the radio. It said something about (doll names) bodies being removed from the cemetery. 

We both gasped "(doll names), the heart of Damballa!" Tiffany yelled, "I know!" I said "What do we do? What do we do?" Tiffany started to panic "Calm down! Just let me think okay!?" I said as well in panic I explained we need some new wheels "We need something... inconspicuous. But with some style."

 I said while on the road we found a new van and this one was more spacious than the last one. An old couple was living it but me and Tiffany 'took care' of that. It is now nighttime and Tiffany was doing Jade's makeup while she tied up. 

I was sitting beside Jesse with a gun, making sure he wasn't trying anything. "Hold still honey, or I'm gonna poke you in the eye again." Jade was moving her face a bit. 

He went to the fridge to see the dead couple "Oh excuse me." Then he went to the oven to get the cookies and he went toward me. "Thank you for the cookies Tif." 

I said, taking one of the cookies. "I hope he likes real fruit dessert." "You know it darling." I lean on his cheeks to give it my kiss.

 "To be honest if I knew being married to him was like this I would not mind," I said, to Jesse. Jesse eyes the unclean dishes in the kitchen. "On the other hand he is not much of a woman is he ?" Jesse said. 

I gave him a raised brow, and I looked at Tiffany "Tiff?" I yelled to the kitchen. "Hm?" he hummed "Why don't we have a different gender." I said Tiffany gave a confused face "I think he is saying you act more like a woman than a boy by you just serving her." 

he got angry and growled and asked why do you want that you know he doesn't want to be an actual girl. I took a plate from the sink and threw it at my chair. I look behind the chair "What are ya doing?!" I yelled at the question of what I did wrong. But Tiffany threw another plate. I guess today is where we have our first argument in doll form. 

(1300 words)

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