Our second last night

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I look back "What would Martha Stewart say?!" I yelled "F*** Martha Stewart! Martha Stewart can kiss my shiny plastic butt!" Tiffany yelled. My eyes widened at what he just said "(Doll name) we discussed this. I was gonna be a female and you were gonna be a male so I can finally be a real girl and wear glams and all stuff and look pretty while you can finally show your tomboy style!" 

 I wanted to tell him but if we had different bodies we would not even have the kids in our doll body. "Well, why not be in our original body to show that women are not slaves and women can be on top of the world and some men deserve to be on the bottom!" We started to shout "Well even if you were a man I know for a fact that you would not even know how to pleasure me!" Tiffany yelled which made my ego so low because of how bad our love was. 

"Well, I hope after this you have to suffer the pregnancies of our kids!" I yelled back. His face turned into a shocked "Wha-." but got interrupted by Jade grunting by turning her chair around and kicking Tiffany into the oven. 

"No!!" I screamed and I shot my gun near Jade as she screamed. Jesse pushed me out the window while I tried to shoot Jesse as he fell but he ducked his head. Jesse tried to keep the car, the van still swerving until they crashed onto the side of the road. 

Then there was something on the oven banging on the oven door and it was Tiffany screaming while banging then the oven door opened and black smoke was coming out of the oven. He started to attack Jade and was biting on her until it bled. Jesse managed to throw Tiffany out of the window. 

 He then unties Jade to get out of the chair "Jade! Go! I'll deal with Tiffany." Jessed yelled, "What about you?!" Jade asked. "Just go! I'll be behind you." Jesse tried to get behind the wires but could not get out of this mess. 

While Jade was leaving she was met up with (Reader). While that was happening the van started to get on fire Jesse threw himself out of the van while it exploded and fell on the ground. Tiffany was trying to get the gun but Jesse stepped on her arm causing her to yell a bit. 

Jesse pointed the gun at her but was caught off guard by Jade carrying (doll names). "Jade!" he yelled. "Get moving!" (Doll names) yelled at Jade, holding the gun up to her chin. 

She kept running and Jesse grabbed Tiffany by the hair and ran to where Jade was going. Jesse then heard Jade scream and ran faster. Jesse made it to the both of them and pointed his gun at (Reader) and then at Tiffany while (Reader) was pointing theirs at Jesse. 

"Let him go and I will let you have your woman." Then we started to move to the other side. "Hey Jade see you real soon.". 

They stopped to chat But I didn't care. I just care that we can get this over with. When Tiffany came he said, "Catch me (Doll's name)." 

I held on to Tiffany but I looked around the area to notice that we were being spied on. By someone. I put Tiffany down slowly so he could rest while they were making out. 

I threw my knife at them. The man switched their spot so he could get the real damage. Then Jade took out the knife from Jesse. "I'll take that." 

I put my gun out and they gave me my knife back which I put in the back of my pocket." I'll showtime" I tied them up so they would not escape. I would check on Tiffany if they are okay. I started to do the summoning thing "Ade due Damballa. 

Give me the power, I beg of you!" But while I was doing the chant something shot my hand while I was doing the summoning I looked around but noticed a shadow "You come out right now shadow man." They came out of the shadows and revealed Charlie Lee Ray, my brother, and my other half.

 I got so angry I shot a couple of times at him. He got shot sometime but he was still alive bleeding while I was down on the ground feeling pain in my body from something. Tiffany stood up and walked over to the couples and tied them free knowing what was about to happen right now. 

But then Charlie slammed a shovel at the top of the head to Tiffany and I got angry "No!" But then they started to fight while Tiffany was taking damage to the top of their head Charlie was taking damage on the legs area. While he hit Tiffany to go down he got on his knees to see if he died. I got up and slammed a hammer on top of My brother's head. 

Tiffany went to his neck and did some damage but he lifted Tiffany and put a knife in Tiffany's heart. I was petrified That I could do nothing but watch my first lover in crime being killed by my brother in front of me. While I accept my death I need to do one thing. 

I grabbed my gun while he was close to my coffin. I shot his knees caps and he flew and landed on my skeleton body. He looked at it and screamed I lift the ladder with the help of Jesse. 

I gave Jade my gun, feeling my heart was weak and having pain in my chest while losing some shortness of breath. The detective came and told them to drop their gun. While my brother was on his knees and couldn't stand my shooting It made me question if I did the right thing even if he betrayed me. 

I'm now kind of immortal because of him. But I let him get what he deserved by killing my husband. The detective looked at the hole, seeing my brother to be let out. 

But from all the events I watched while losing my vision, my brother had now died and the couple were set free. But in a couple of minutes, I felt pain in my stomach which made me scream to alert the detective. He came closer to this scene where I pushed all my last energy to deliver my demon child out after the baby was out of my stomach I was able to go to hell with Tiffany by dying on a broken heart.  

(1154 words) 

author note:

I will be working on other things but I will come back to this knowing how much read I get from making my second fanfiction.

Male! Tiffany x Reader ChuckyWhere stories live. Discover now