Mother and Son time

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  Glen POV

I was having nightmares and visions in my head. The first thing that flashed was a doll's head that got stabbed with a knife. Then a man backed up and screamed, and another picture was the head that got sliced by my parents, and people who were laughing at me when I used to be a dummy. Then the last thing I saw when I woke up was my mom's eyes opening. I opened my eyes feeling so much anxiety and fear.

I look around then I see Mom come out of nowhere with her hand coming up "sh*t." I look at Mom questioning why she is here "Sorry just messing with 

you." I checked around "What time is it?" She then touched my head and got rid of the ribbon that was given to my father. "time to get dressed.

We're gonna have our old mother-and-son night out just you and me. How does that sound?" I was scared of what was about to happen and where "Where are we going." I then saw Mom pull a knife out of her pocket "hunting."

(Reader) POV

I thought during this time my son would appreciate killing people and not think it a bad thing So I would teach him the way of murder while we go hunting. I started to get inside the car and took the driver's seat to weave our way and my son doing the gas. We were now on the road to find that soon-to-be dead paparazzi. 

While we were driving my son said "I can't see anything, maybe we should slow down." I looked down at my son "No, we're great, keep up the work Glen." there was honking behind us I looked to the side to see a car in pink trying to go in front of us I looked down at it to see it has written Britney1. 

Which made me realize who she was "son of a b*tch." the woman looks back and flings you the middle finger and I do it back to her. "f*ck you *ssh*le." 

My son was confused about the event "What" I looked down "Not you son you not *ssh*le but god floor it." I saw my son pushing the accelerator and starting to make us go faster. I went to the left side of Britney and stirred the wheel to go left which pushed Britney off the cliff which ended in a big explosion.

 I started to laugh while leaving the scene "Oops I did it again." and laughed again knowing that I killed a singer.


We got inside the place without the man noticing. I told my son "Hide over here and let mom take care of this problem." my son looked down "Okay."

 I went up to the table where the man was looking at the computer. I looked at it to see a dark doll figure who was self masturbating which made me laugh and realized it was Tiffany's silhouette who was pleasuring himself. The man turned around to see "Jesus Christ." 

The man looked back at his computer and went to another picture where it showed me hitting the woman with the golden statue and it showed my face. He looks back to see I wasn't there while I was hiding in the ceiling. The man started to get up and walk around scared I got lower to get him with a knife in my mouth.

 I saw my son beside the man I grabbed the knife out of my mouth but my son screamed "No." which made him look at my son and walk behind scarred of a living doll which made him knock down some liquids. One of the liquids was a Sulphuric Acid which hit the man's head and poured all the liquid on him. 

He started to scream while his face was melting off while my son watched this event. I started to laugh while I was watching the man screaming as I got off the hanger that was close to the ceiling. I got down and patted my son's shoulder "Atta boy." 

I was so proud he did his first murder with me. my son responded "No I didn't." but I interrupted "and I thought you were a great kid your a f*cking natural."

 I started to laugh then my son said "he hit the shelf" I responded, "Don't worry about your father this will be our little secret." I grabbed a camera in the room and put it on the table where we stood by the dead body. I looked at the camera "Say cheese."


Jenarius Tilly POV

I started to wake up in my bed. I looked down to see Red Woman but we still had our clothes on. Maybe we wore them after our session but what about my dream? "Must be fire last night."

 "yeah," I said nervously, wondering if we even did it "Red Woman did we?" She looked at me "You don't remember" "No it was all a blur. What about you." 

"I kinda remember you screaming a lot." "oh yeah, I could remember that too." "yeah, it affects any gender, to be honest."

 "really." "yeah but not that much my brother mostly does this stuff for women I'm kinda his backup man or woman I don't know to be honest." "wait a minute I do remember I had a strange dream that you were my guardian angels came to me she had the sweetest voice I ever heard she called me I should speak for myself then she asked for what autograph for her husband."

The phone started to ring red woman got it "Yep it's me Red Woman. Hi brother yeah you can come over. Okay bye," she put the phone back. 

"My brother will be coming today to see if you're good you might have my permission but my brother would say "men's options are better than women's." I pat her back. "It's fine I'm just glad that I met one of you last night."

(1004 Words)

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