Recovering Addiction

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Tiffany POV

I started to read 12 Steps in 3 Days, a guide for the busy addict. I started to read the book. "Let's see step number 1 admit that I have an addiction. okay. step number 2 you give yourself to a higher power. I am him."

I looked at the page reading some stuff in my head then I found the step I was looking for. "Ah, here we go step number 9 the recovery addicts must make amends to anyone to whom he or she has harmed."

I started to think about those people and got the phone and started to put the number in. I put the phone by my ear and I heard a girl respond, "Hello?" I smiled happy that I got the right number.

"Good morning is this Rif Bilby." she responded "Yes." "Well, are you Robert Bilby's spouse?" "Yes, who is this?"

"Well, Rif my name is Tiffany Va you don't know me but a few years ago I killed your husband and I am so very very sorry." "What is this kind of sick joke?" "Oh no I'm completely serious but I want you to know I'm in recovery now and I put all that stuff behind me."

The girl started to cry on the phone line "I don't know." After that, I could not understand her "Thank you, Miss Bilby, have a nice day." I hung up on her while she was still crying "I feel better already."

Jenarius Tilly POV

I see Red Man coming out of the house with his sister. I went to my Limo and got in "Good morning Stacy. Hey, was there something you wanted to tell me?"

she responded "Um Jenarius." there was a phone ring. I looked at Stacy, sorry I got this call.

"Hello Redman, is there something wrong?" he responded, "Yes there is something wrong why my sister is puking." I look at Stacy with a panicked face.

"What do you mean she was perfectly fine when she came to my house." I heard Redman in the background telling how gross Redwoman is being puking in his car. "Well if I find out you gave my sister that sickness I think is called Hematemesis I will make sure you won't get the cast role you understand me."

I had my mouth dropped. "I understand and I promised you I did nothing to your sisters, we just had a talk." I hung up the phone "So as you were saying." Stacy responded looking at the streets ''forgot it." I responded with an "okay" I didn't understand why she was so moody but I hope Redwoman is okay.

(Reader) POV

I watched my son watch the limo move out of the house. "Well now let's see what we should do today." my son started to blink a lot which I thought was right. It must be the sun.


Jenarius Tilly POV

I was sitting by a Red woman and a man. I noticed a Red woman fidgeting with her finger. I looked at her wondering what she was going to say while Red Man was just eating the food Red Woman then started today "I'm pregnant." This made me look at her in shock and it even made Red Man stop eating and look at her but he then kept eating and she stood up "I said I was pregnant brother do you care about this information."

He looked at her, "Okay who is the baby dad." She looks at me and then connects the dots "Oh ho sister you are not telling me this man is your baby dad you just did it like yesterday how can you find it so fast." "Because he was my first."

This made us both shake "Then how about all the other men what did you do to them." She gulped "I spend money on ladies who want to sleep with them. I didn't want to waste my womanhood on some ugh broke." He looks at me "Well I'm sorry to tell you this but if he's your baby's dad then I can't hire you and you're my sister I'm disappointed in you so I'm getting a new assistant and sister you're not my family anymore."

This made Red Woman so mad. "Well let me tell you something I never want to be a sibling to you. you made me get a tan so I could be darker than my original skin and the fact you treat a woman like a toy is annoying and my name is (OC) not Red Woman." She started to cry and left the room where I sat and had an annoyed face toward Redman who looked at her and then went back to his food.

Tiffany POV

I heard everything about the conversation it reminded me about (Reader) and her disgusting brother whom I wish not to remember. They almost had the same fight. her brother would make (Reader) feel disappointed in him and tell (Reader) that they were never real siblings there just came out the woman but having two different dads.

I started to get annoyed with Red Man. "That pig." I tried to reach for a knife but I realized if I killed him I would get addicted again which made me close my eyes and bring my arms back trying my best to stop killing.

I opened my eyes to see my hand on the phone. I started pushing some buttons to a place called "recovery hotline." "yes I'm in recovery and I'm afraid I'm going to have a slip."

"Can you get in a meeting?" "no, it's not an option, I just freak everybody out." "don't be so hard on yourself, we're not here to judge you what's your name." "Tiffany."

"Listen to me, I know exactly what you're going through." "you do." "Yes, I do. I'm going to share a little secret. Just last week I had a slip."

"really." "And believe me it was not pretty." "It never is."

"It took me three hours to clean the mess." this made me giggle a bit "Oh god don't remind me." "But I'm not beating myself up over it, you know why Tiffany."

"Why." "because Rome wasn't built in a day." "you're right. you're right." I hung up the phone. I guess I'm going to kill a man but I hope Glenda won't find out.

(1061 Words)

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