Back From The Dead

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Glen/Glenda POV

I got on a plane traveling all to Hollywood and trying to go find my parents. When I got out of the plane I got to another truck sitting behind it while it was going in the place.

Jenarius POV

The Redman was doing the lines for the movie while the Redwoman watched to see what my answer was and see my worth. "Mary you're truly a vision of insulted innocence unique among all women as peers of the virgin snow but I ask what is troubling you." he asked I answered with a feminine voice, "Just husband there's been a miracle as I stand before you I must tell you I am my child."

"But Mary, how could this be in accordance with God's wishes? We've never laid together as a man with a wife." I tried to show my chest to them to convince them to make me join the cast." Yes, it is true and I beg you that you believe me when I tell you I have never laid to any man at all. Do you believe me, Joseph?"

"yes. yes, I do uh you were great super." "Thank you Mr. Mann Oh could I call you red, listen there are a whole lot of different ways I could do it not just the way you saw I could do it faster I could do it slower I could. I could. I could do it as a wrap."

we started to giggle "No. no, you already showed me a side of the character I've never seen before." "Oh thank you" "but I think I might have to go with my first choice." I was surprised. "oh."

"Thanks for coming anyway. I mean I'm a huge huge fan. I want to work with you one day you should call me." "Excuse me, I hope you don't mind my asking but who is your first choice." "Julie Roberts but thanks for coming anyway."

"Listen red um I've been giving a lot of thought to this project and I have a lot of interesting ideas about the character and I was thinking maybe you would like to discuss it in a more intimate setting just the three or two of us if you're not into that situation." "oh oh well I can but it will be later but my sister can arrive early right now." We both look at the girl with curly black hair. "Yes I can come early, just give me the address then we can talk."

Glen/Glenda POV

I started to push the box open which took a while but I was able to get out of the box. I saw a man but not knowing it was fake I screamed "Pardon me, sir." I looked around the place and when I saw more of those creatures I would say "Sorry, sir. Don't mind me."

I looked around but then I noticed two dolls lying down. They looked the same as the television "Mom. dad. I know they're supposed to come as quite a shock." I then took the necklace and showed it to them.

"Look I still have the necklace I've always wanted to know what these words mean is it our family motto please say something. Is it away I look isn't." then I released something "Wake up" I then looked back at the necklace saying the words in it "Asesue Damballa Awake."

Then some electricity started to break and beam bright light. Then I saw the dolls opening their eyes which left me breathless of what was about to happen as they started to rise.

They make some groaning noise and they both look at each other "Tiff." "(Doll name)." The woman doll looked at me and made a screaming noise, shaking someone in front of her in shock.

"Who the h*ll are you." I respond "Sh*ty face." the woman starts to laugh at my name and the man looks at me seriously "What kind of a name is that? Where your mother and father"

"Well guess from your name they were high when they named you." the man hit the woman's chest "Stop saying rude things to kids." "Come on, you telling me that it does not look like an ugly child going down all the trees and the branches on the way down, to be honest."

The girl started to laugh. "To be honest I feel bad for the parents. Also, I wonder what their parents look like." She kept laughing. I showed my wrist to them showing I was made in Japan and they all gasped. "Oh my God."

They both looked at their wrist and looked back at me. I then said, "Konnichiwa okasan medusa"( greetings, mother and father). the woman looks at the man "No we didn't you didn't." the woman thinks of how this is possible "Oh sweet face come to daddy."

the woman fainted from the event. I went closer to my dad and hugged him. My dad asks "Where are we?" I responded, "Hollywood, both of you are in a movie on television. That is how I found you."

Dad was so excited "Were movie stars." Then suddenly sounds were coming to my mom, looking at Dad and "Go Barbie mode." Then they all went into a doll form and a man came into the room he took Dad. Which made me upset he took my dad away from me but I was so scared I hid behind a curtain.

"Is daddy ill?" Mom watched this and responded? "the court thought so." The man wired Dad to do something but I saw Mom walking around close to the man.

She took a wire and threw it over to the man whose neck dad caught the other end of the wire. They both pulled it which sliced the man's head off, cleaned the head then fell pouring out blood. My parent looked at each other "their filth mad."

Dad got down and went to Mom and started to put their lips together and make noise in the background. I started to pee in my legs I guess this is my life now watching my parents kill in front of me and scaring the sh*t out of me.  

(1033 words)

Author note:

the reason why (Reader) forgot she pushed a child out of her cat is cause in the moment while she was dying she could not think straight and was already being sent to hell and forgot that moment and the logic of Wattpad.

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