episode 3

157 10 3

As Boston's eyes looked through the camera at the figure in front of him, clicking his camera away. His eyes scanning the perfect figure in front of him. His hair, you just want to run your fingers through it. His eyes, that hold a dark forest, if you look at them long enough, I'm afraid you'll get lost. His lips, which told him so many loving words that made him feel wanted when all his life he felt lost and unwanted by most. He was perfect, flawless.
Boston wished he could admire him forever.

The longer he stared, the more he felt hypnotized. Maybe it was just him, maybe it was the small part of his heart that longed for him since day one.

He was like a drug is how Boston would describe him, so easy to get addicted...



"you look so different..?" Boston said taking a good look at nick, scanning him up and down. He looked more muscular. He was wearing a leather jacket with nothing underneath which perfectly defined his flat yet slightly toned stomach. He paired his outfit with a high rise baggy leather trousers and black leather shoes. 'Wait is he one of the models?' Boston thought.

"Yea, times change I guess." Nick said with a smile. "You are still doing photography?" Nick asked, "well yea.. what else would I be doing. You are a model now?" Boston replied. "Well yea, like I said times change" nick said, Boston let out a shocked expression. One thing that Boston noticed is that whenever he looked into Nick's eyes, his eyes didn't show the same amount of passion as they used to.
'guess he already moved on.' Boston thought. He knew this was bound to happen, he knew that nick wouldn't share the same feelings as before, but it still hurt.


(And now that you are all caught up, let's get back into the story...)

Currently, The shoot was over and Boston was on his way to give the hard drive which contained all the photos to the studio employees.

"Hello..um.. this is the hard drive that contains all the photos from today's shoot" Boston says before giving the hard drive to one of the employees. "Ah, yes thank you." The employee said, giving a smile before taking the hard drive. "Oh we forgot to mention, everyone on set and our boss are going to a bar this friday to celebrate the launch of this new project. Are you interested in coming with us? Boston thought for a moment, I mean he doesn't really have anything to do. "Yea sure. Do you mind texting me the address?"


Boston stepped inside the bar. Immediately being greeted with a loud pop music and flashing lights. The bar was big. It had karaoke, a large variety of alcoholic drinks, ect.

"BOSTON HERE!" Nick shouted, signal ing Boston to sit next to him. Hearing Nick's voice, he started walking towards their table. "ah Mr Boston, I'm so glad you could make it!" Mr Kim said, signaling him to take a seat. "Oh it was no problem" Boston replied taking a seat next to Nick. Just as he sat, he saw the waiter coming in with 12 bottles of beer. Around him was Nick, Mr Kim and some other photographers and models. The place was absolutely surrounded with people, I mean what do you expect, everyone is going to the bar especially during the weekends. "Ton! Have some!" Nick said, offering a glass of beer. "Ah, thanks"Boston replied before taking a sip.

"So how have you been? How's life? I really didn't get to talk with you much" nick said with a smile, wanting to start a conversation. "Oh nothing much, I'm just focusing on my work at the moment. What about you?" Boston took another sip of the alcoholic beverage before turning towards Nick. "Well life hasn't changed much. Other than being a model and stuff like that. So, do you have a partner yet?"

"Well no not yet, I've actually stopped fūking with other people. Nowadays I'm just focusing on myself more. What about you? are you still single?" Now Boston was really looking forward to this answer as it could just determine if he still has a chance or not. If there was one thing that Boston truly wants in this world is to win Nick back."well no, I have a boyfriend, his name's Dan. He actually Came with me to New York! Wait let me show you a picture" Nick took his phone out of his pocket.

"Ah! This is him" Nick said, showing Boston a picture of him and Dan.


I'm genuinely so sorry for the wait, it's just I've been a bit busy these couple of days. I will now be giving weekly updates or at least I will try. I'll also try to put out longer chapters

See y'all next week!! <3

til you love me again | Boston x Nick (ON HOLD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora