episode 17

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As Boston's intense gaze bore into Nick's, the air between them crackled with unspoken tension. Nick felt a surge of conflicting emotions swirling within him, each vying for dominance.

A myriad of thoughts raced through Nick's mind like a tumultuous storm. He knew he couldn't keep hiding the truth much longer. Yet, fear and uncertainty held him in their grip, shackling his tongue and stifling his voice.

The silence between them stretched. Boston's unwavering gaze felt like a spotlight, illuminating the depths of his soul. It was as if Boston could see straight through him. Stripping him away from the layers of pretence and revealing the raw vulnerability inside that laid beneath.

The weight of Boston's question hung in the air. Nick could feel a knot form in the pit his stomach. The truth was just on the tip of his tongue, begging to be told. Yet, Nick hesitated, gripping onto the feeling of fear.

Nick's heart pounded in his chest, the weight of Boston's question pressing down on him like a boulder. He could feel a knot form in the pit of his stomach, a gnawing sense of unease creeping over him. The truth was just on the tip of his tongue, begging to be told. Yet, Nick hesitated, gripped by the fear of rejection and the unknown.

With a trembling breath, Nick met Boston's eyes. "It's... a-about Mina" Nick's voice came no above than a whisper.

Boston's expression softened with understanding as he took a step closer, his eyes filled with concern. "What about her?" Boston said, his voice was gentle yet it was firm, as if he was determined to know the truth that bothered nick so much.

"I-I don't know, I just don't like you being friends with her.." Nick held his face down, not finding the courage to look into the other male's eyes.

Nick's words hung in the air, Boston's expression softened with understanding. He slowly cupped Nick's face with both the palms of his hand, making their eyes meet once again. "Nick, You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Nick slightly nodded, his eyes darting across the room, still unable to meet his gaze. "I guess I was just... a bit insecure" Nick admitted, his voice barely audible.

Boston's gaze softened, a hint of sadness flickering in his eyes. "What do you have to be insecure about?" he murmured, his tone laced with genuine concern.

"You mean more to me than you'll ever know" Nick felt a rush of warmth run through his body at the statement. He swallowed back the lump in his throat, his mind overwhelmed by the deep sincerity of the other.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push you away.." Nick murmured, finally meeting Boston's gaze with a mix of vulnerability and relief.

Boston's expression softened further, his eyes brimming with affection.

Boston's heart ached at the sight of Nick's vulnerability, his own emotions swirling in turmoil. He reached out and pulled Nick into a warm embrace, holding him close as he whispered words of reassurance and comfort. "Mina is only ever just a friend, there's nothing between us" Boston said, his thumb lightly brushing against his cheek.

"I know but..." Nick trailed off, his mind still struggling to articulate the jumble of emotions inside of him.

"Listen, I value our friendship more than anything. If my friendship with Mina is causing you distress, I'm willing to distance myself from her. Your feelings matter to me, Nick." Boston murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of Nick's head.

Nick's heart clenched at Boston's words. A wave of relief and guilt washed over him.

Nick felt a weight lift off his shoulders as he leaned into Boston's touch, allowing himself to bask in the comfort of their friendship. In that moment, Nick realized that honesty and vulnerability were the foundations of their bond, and he was grateful to have Boston by his side.

"I'm sorry I don't want to come in between you and your friends" Nick murmured. He felt the pang of remorse for letting the Boston drown in the depths of his insecurities.

"You're not, Nick. You're my friend too. Friends are supposed to support each other"

Just as the tension between the two of them began to ease, a sudden knock on the door interrupted their conversation, causing both Nick and Boston to startle in surprise. Nick's heart skipped a beat, wondering who would be knocking at this hour.

Nick glanced at Boston, a puzzled expression crossed his face. Boston stepped aside to give Nick space to unlock the door. With a sense of apprehension, Nick crossed the room and opened the door, revealing a familiar face standing on the other side.

It was Dan.



It's just I've been so busy these past few days, I literally did not have any time to write. This chapter was a bit last minute and hasn't been edited properly, so please ignore if any spelling or grammatical errors are found, I will edit this chapter later.

Anyways that's all I wanted to say, I will try to make up for the late upload and short chapter next week, I promise!


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