episode 5

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As the morning passes by, rays of sunlight beamed on the young man. It was currently the next morning, nick was the first to wake up. As he began to regain his consciousness. he looked around at his unfamiliar surroundings. He turned his head only to find Boston snoring softly beside him. Before he could react, he felt a sharp pain in his head. Maybe drinking alcohol in the first place was not the best idea. He slowly took off the duvet, unattaching himself from Boston.

He walked over to the kitchen with his vision still blurry. He poured himself a glass of water, immediately gulping it down. Coincidentally, he found a packet of painkillers on top of the counter. He popped one of the pills in his mouth, feeling the headache already start to weaken.

'wait, am I forgetting something?' Nick thought, trying to recall his memories from last night. If he was being honest, he doesn't remember a single thing that happened. Then it hit him, he told Dan he would be home at 12 and now here he was the next morning at his ex's apartment. Realizing his mistake, he immediately started searching for his phone. The longer he searched, the more anxious he got. 'Dan is probably worried sick!'

After finally finding it on the coffee table in the living room, his very first instinct was to call Dan. When he unlocked his phone, he was immediately met with over 35 missed calls, and 15+ new messages from Dan. He tried calling him back but to no avail. He quickly started looking around for his stuff.

Nick changed out his pair of pajamas and into his old clothes from last night, he didn't want his boyfriend to get the wrong idea. He tried to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to wake Boston up. When Nick made sure he had everything, he took one last good look at the sleeping Boston before bending down to his ear and whispering a "thank you" . Nick put on his shoes and exited through the front door, hopefully his boyfriend won't be too mad at him.

Nick made his way out the apartment complex.

Opening the car door, he went in one of the nearby taxis. During the whole ride all he could think about was Dan, he really must be worried sick.

Surprisingly, His place wasn't too far from Bostons. It was rather close, probably a 10 minute walk. He walked out of the car, making sure to tip the driver. He walked inside the apartment complex, taking the elevator to the sixth floor. He hurriedly walked up to the front door of his apartment, mentally preparing himself because the last thing he would want is an angry boyfriend. He used the extra in his pocket, unlocking the door.

He walked in, taking his shoes off. "DAN! I'M HOME!" Nick shouted, to only be met with silence. Maybe Dan is still sleeping? It doesn't seem like him though.

"So you finally decided to come home?" Dan said with a annoyed face. He(Dan) was wearing an apron with a spatula in his hand, You can tell he was cooking. "Oh come on! I told you I would be home late" Nick whined with a slight smile. "Yeah but I didn't expect for you to come home the next morning!?!?" Dan replied in an slightly angry tone. Nick let out a sigh as he walked over to his beloved boyfriend, engulfing him in a hug as his way to say sorry. "Forgive me for just this time please" Nick whispered in his ear, but Dan didn't budge. "Oh come on what's with the annoyed face huh!" Nick gave a peck on Dan's lips. Dan couldn't help but crack up a slight smile. "Fine fine, now sit down I'm almost done cooking!" Nick smiled in victory as he separated himself from the hug before sitting down on one of the chairs. "Where did you stay the whole night anyway?" Dan said with a bit of suspicion. "Oh I was staying over at a friend's house." Dan gave him a suspicious look. "oh come on! I'm not cheating on you!" Nick playfully hit him on the arm. "You sure?"Dan replied in a teasing tone. "Yes! I'm sure!" Nick let out a laugh.

"Alright whatever you say. Did you have breakfast yet?" Nick lightly shook his head, "nope not yet".

"Okay I'll prepare something for you really quick. Make sure to shower after eating!" Dan  said, returning to the kitchen after receiving a nod from Nick.



Boston opens his eyes as he wakes up from his deep slumber. He feels an empty space beside him as memories from last night hit him like a wave. He looks around his surroundings, his home looked cleaner and less messier than before. His best guess was probably Nick cleaned up after him.
He didn't really expect for Nick to be there for him the next morning, but it's still disappointed him somehow. He sets up on his bed, letting out a yawn.

He stretched his arms before getting out the bed. He notices a note on his bed side table. Curiously, he picks it up. The note read:
Thank you for taking care of me last night, you were a big help. How about we go out to dinner next Thursday? only if you're free though, It's the only way I could think to repay you. I look forward to meet you again!

Here's my number, give me a call sometime!

Boston stared at the note for a few seconds. He let out a smile. He knows he shouldn't get too ahead of himself, it'll just lead him to another heartbreak, but who knows what the future holds for him?

Maybe meeting Nick again isn't going to be so bad after all. Maybe he still has another chance? Maybe they'll get back together? Maybe Nick still has feelings for him? maybe to Nick he is just a friend? Or maybe he was just another pit stop for nick? There is so many possibilities.

And there is only one way to find out...


THAT'S IT FOR TODAY'S EPISODE! Today, I kind of glazed over Nick and Dan's relationship just to give y'all an idea.

Of course, I will try to give faster updates and longer chapters. But for now I'll see y'all, the next week <3

til you love me again | Boston x Nick (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now