episode 11

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The morning came in a flash. Boston was currently cooking up breakfast as he stayed over last night. Nick was almost knocked out due to the amount of alcohol he consumed. You don't know how long it took Boston to get him to stop drinking.

Boston was the first to wake up. For a second, Boston thought he was dreaming. It felt like a blessing waking up next to Nick. The way he curled himself against Boston's body, letting out soft snores as he let his body relax in the other's warmth, who would dare wake him up in such a state?

This is definitely a view Boston could get used to.

After making a plain French toast for breakfast, Boston quietly made his way towards the sleeping figure. His hair was slightly messed up as he cuddled his face with Boston's pillow. Boston lightly shook Nick in a attempt to wake him up, only to no avail. "Nick wake up.." Boston said in a low voice as he ran his fingers through the soft and fluffy hair. He slowly traced his fingers down the sides of Nick's face. The amount of admiration Boston has for this Nick is not enough to describe with words, no wonder he became a model, with his looks I'm pretty sure anyone could understand why Boston couldn't move on from him.

The perfect boy.

Nick let out a raspy groan. He hardly remembers anything from last night, his headache was practically killing him. Nick was glad Boston stayed the night otherwise who knows what Nick would have done if he was left in such a vulnerable state, alone. Still half asleep, Nick felt a hand caress his cheek. Unknowingly, Nick melted at the touch, almost leaning into the warmth.

Slowly becoming physically conscious of his surroundings, his eyelashes twitched as he started opening his eyes from his deep slumber.

He was immediately greeted with Boston in front of him. He had a slight smile on his face as he watched Nick slowly get up.

"I made breakfast" Boston said watching Nick starting walking towards the bathroom to start his morning routine. Nick gave him a nod, not really wanting to speak because of his morning breath.

After freshening up, Nick made his way towards the dining room. Boston had all the food laid out on the table. Though he wasn't some master at cooking, He really did try his best for Nick. "Smells good" Nick complimented.

He took a seat in front Boston before digging into his food. Surprisingly, It tasted way better than Nick expected. "Mmm, Boston, since when did you learn to cook?" Boston looked at the other male, trying to stop himself from smiling. He was glad Nick liked it, I mean he did give it his all. Boston would be lying if he said that one compliment didn't just make his whole day. "I'm glad." Boston said before digging into his food.

Halfway into finishing their breakfast, Boston receives the notification, It was from Mine


-listen I hate to be that person And I know it's your day off but Boston do you mind coming to the studio for a bit? It's getting very crowded with customers in here, mind giving me a helping hand? I'll pay you back with lunch I promise.

Seeing the text, Boston quickly finished up his breakfast. He was planning to go to the studio from Nick's house as it would be easier. "You want me to drive you?" Nick requested, seeing Boston such a hurry to pack up his things. He too was just finishing up his breakfast. "No no it's fine. I don't wanna cause you trouble" Boston politely declined, puting on his handbag over his head. "No it's ok, I have to go run some errands anyway, I'll just drop you off on my way there!"  Nick stated, putting on his coat.

"No it's ok-"
"Just accept the offer, Ton. I don't do this for everyone alright?" Nick said, tying his shoe laces. Before he could even protest, Nick dragged Boston out of the door with him.


"Alright here we are!" Nick said as they arrived at the studio Boston works at. It indeed was a bit crowded. "So this is where we part ways I guess." Boston said giving a gentle smile at Nick.

He unfastened  his seat belt before opening the car door. Just as Boston was about to step outside, He turned towards Nick,

"Don't miss me too much alright" Boston flashed him a flirtatious smile. Immediately being flustered at Boston sudden statement, Nick playfully hit Boston's shoulder "I won't miss you at all! Now go!" Nick replied, urging him to get out of the car before he turns into a blushing tomato.

Listening to Nick's order, Boston got out of Nick's car and gave Nick a little wave of goodbye before heading inside the studio.

Nick waited until Boston went inside safe, but before he could he could even start driving again, he saw girl, roughly about Boston's age.

Since the windows of the studio were clear, You could pretty much see everything.

The girl had her arm cling around Boston's. She had long hair that reached down to her waist, porcelain white skin, round shaped glasses, and hell was she pretty.

But the real question is, who is this girl? Is she Boston's girlfriend? Are they in a relationship? Are they friends? Does Boston even like her? Why did he never tell Nick about this?

As far as Nick knows, She could be anything to Boston, but his best guess is she is probably his friend or co-worker because there is no way that she is his girlfriend, absolutely no way.

Even if they were a thing, Boston would have told him about her right? I mean they are friends after all? Is Boston keeping secrets from him? Whoever that girl is, Nick has a gut feeling that she is no good.

Suddenly Nick feels uneasy feeling in his heart seeing the both of them so clos, though he shouldn't be hurt by this, yet he still can't shake off the feeling that Boston is hiding something from him...


It was currently 8:15 at night, and Boston's shift was over. He is just now locking up the studio door, ready to go home already. He would be lying if he said that today wasn't hectic. This is the reason why he absolutely despises Mondays.

As Boston was walking to his destination, He walked past a nearby alleyway. Taking a peek, He spotted two figures.

Now usually Boston would ignore these types of things as it is none of his business, but something about the two figures just didn't sit right with him. Eventually his curiosity got the best of him and he decided to take the closer look.

The alleyway was dimly lit, so it was rather hard to see who was who. Once he was close enough to identify who it was, and surprise surprise, It was not other than that a$$face Dan kissing another dude that obviously wasn't Nick. He really has no fūcking shame, huh? What a wh0re.

But is he really surprised? He expected Dan to be cheating on Nick, and after hearing how he has been treating nick the past few days, his suspicions grew.

Boston tightened his fist, his veins almost popping out. Anger ignited in him like a flame, growing each passing second. What triggered him the most was that Dan looked like he was enjoying it.

He angrily walked over to the two of them, who almost seemed in their own world, blinded with lust. Each step Boston took felt like he was about to burst with rage any second now, his mind clouded with hatred.

As long as Boston can kill Dan with his own hands, he won't mind going to jail.


Sorry for the delay, work has been hectic these past few days.

So hectic, I feel like I will actually kms, but I can't, because then who would be updating this story for all my beloved readers?

Also can we take a moment to talk about neo's girlfriend, LIKE SHE IS SO PRETTY. Let's be happy for them, !And don't spread hate to that girl I extremely discourage it! It takes a lot of courage to come out in a relationship especially in the BL industry due to toxic fans.
As far as I know, nowadays many bl actors are coming out as straight and with girlfriends.

All right I think that's enough of me yapping, I'll see y'all next week<3

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