episode 19

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As the days turned into weeks, Nick found himself leaning more and more on Boston for support. With each passing day, their friendship blossomed, deepening into a bond that felt unbreakable.

They spent countless hours together, sharing laughter, stories, and quiet moments of companionship. From late-night conversations on the phone to impromptu adventures around the city, Nick and Boston became inseparable.

Their friendship provided a source of strength and solace for both of them, helping to heal the wounds of their pasts and forge a path towards a brighter future.

Nick found himself opening up to Boston in ways he never thought possible, sharing his fears, hopes, and dreams without reservation.

In turn, Boston became Nick's rock, a steady presence in his life that offered unwavering support and understanding. He listened without judgment, offering words of encouragement and comfort when Nick needed them most.

Their bond deepened as they discovered new shared interests and hobbies, from trying out new restaurants to exploring the local art scene. They celebrated each other's successes and stood by each other during moments of doubt and uncertainty.

Despite the challenges they faced, Nick and Boston's friendship only grew stronger with time. They learned to lean on each other in times of need, finding strength in their shared experiences and unwavering loyalty.

As the days continued and their friendship deepened, Nick found himself experiencing a shift in his feelings towards the other. What started as a strong bond of friendship began to evolve into something more profound, something even he could deny.

At first, he brushed off the fluttering of his heart and the warmth that spread through his chests whenever they were together. He attributed it to their deepening friendship and the strong connection they shared.

But as the days went on Nick found himself diving deeper into his undeniable feelings. Even he couldn't ignore it much longer as the truth stood on the tip of his tongue.

Nick felt himself being drawn to Boston in many ways. Maybe it was his kindness that he admired, or maybe it was the way that his kind and caring gestures that made his heart flutter.

He felt a sense of comfort and belonging in Boston's presence. Something which he had never felt when he was with the dan.

Despite his growing feelings, despite the truth he can not hide anymore. What held him back was the fear of getting his heart broken again. Moreover, what if Boston turned back to the way he used to be.

He sees that Boston has changed, But the feeling that Boston may turn back to his old roots still haunt him.

With a sigh nick stared at the ceiling above him. Thoughts overwhelming his mind. But all he knows is that he is glad about the friendship he has with Boston. Nothing more nothing less.

It was just in the hands of Fate that will determine what their friendship will lead to.


Boston sat alone in his apartment, the weight of his emotions bearing down on him like a suffocating blanket.

He couldn't shake the feeling of frustration and hurt that gnawed at him, the realization that Nick saw him only as a friend cutting deeper than he cared to admit.

He understood that Nick had just gone through a breakup and might not be ready for a relationship. But that didn't make the sting of being friend-zoned any less painful.

For as long as he could remember, Boston had harbored feelings for Nick, longing for a deeper connection that went beyond mere friendship.

He understood that he hurt Nick in the past, But he really did change.

He only ever changed his lifestyle in hopes of getting Nick back, for Nick's sake. For Getting back the love he once received. But it seemed like his efforts were going into vain.

No matter how hard he tried, It seemed like Nick never looked at him the way he used to. He regrets not cherishing the moments he had with Nick before. He regrets ruining a perfect bond just over lust.

He replayed their interactions in his mind, each rejection and each instance of Nick treating him like just another friend fueling the fire of his frustration. He had hoped that maybe, just maybe, Nick would see him in a different light, that their bond would blossom into something more.

But as the days went by and Nick continued to keep him at arm's length, Boston couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal.

He had poured his heart and soul into their friendship, only to be met with indifference when it came to matters of the heart.

He wanted to confront Nick, to demand answers, to make him understand the depth of his feelings.

But he knew that wouldn't solve anything. Nick had made his feelings clear, and Boston had no choice but to accept them, no matter how much it hurt.

With a sigh Boston wiped away the tears that stained his cheeks.

He wants to believe, he wants to have hope, that may be one day Nick will be willing to give him one last try. One last try to prove that he really did change. But it seemed like he was more impatient than he thought himself to be.

Why don't you love me anymore, Nick?


ok I apologize this episode maybe a bit short. DON'T WORRY THOUGH.

I will try to make up for it by providing longer chapters.

Behind the scenes I have been very busy so it's really hard to find time to write. Today I dove deeper into the evolving dynamics between Nick and Boston, and explored their deepening friendship and the underlying feelings that begin to surface.

I want to make you guys wait for long, eventually they will confess their love for each other. But the real question is, who will do it first?

Anyways that's enough yapping, I'll see you guys in the next episode!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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