Jeongcheol 2

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The man, looking almost as same age as him by his features, had the book, as weird as his name was, right in front of his face. His back was laid back on his chair while his slender fingers went through the pages.  All of sudden without looking at his face, Seungcheol knew the man was handsome.

His posture, the way his one leg was kept onto another, his light brown sweater mildly shining under the sunlight sweeping through the window while the shirt he was wearing had it's sleeves rolled up, everything of him screamed elegant. Suddenly, Seungcheol was sure if he asked nicely from the man, he would actually consider giving him the book.

Atleast he hoped it would turn out like that.

Standing in front of his table, Seungcheol silently knocked at the wood in front of him, eventually getting the stranger's attention. The stranger was now looking at him through his book, his eyes only visible at the moment to Seungcheol.

He attempted to say his side, "I am sorry if I am bothering you but can I talk to you about something?"

The stranger was frozen for a moment before he nodded and gestured Seungcheol to sit in front of him. With a smile flashing, when Seungcheol was prepared to sit in front, the stranger by now had removed the book from his face and kept it on the table.

But Seungcheol didn't sit. The second he caught the glance of stranger's face and by the time when he got to see his full face, his hands automatically went towards the gun at his back, a reflex Seungcheol would say.

Ofcourse reflexes of a police man will be alerted when they'll see a dead assassin right in front of their eyes.

And it didn't even took Seungcheol a full minutes to point his unlocked gun towards the man sitting in front of him. The whole library was shook, even the man in front of him had his eyes widened.

But Seungcheol knew it wasn't because of the gun being pointed at him, it was because he got caught, that too alive when he clearly was dead in documents. It took him a full moment to comprehend just to come up with a single sentence reply, "What the fuck Choi Seungcheol?!"

Seungcheol chuckled, pointing the gun straight at his forehead, "I am glad that you remember my name but what should I be calling you? Angel 1004 or.... Yoon Jeonghan?"

Jeonghan seemed frozen from the rememberance of the name by the other. There were very few people who knew Jeonghan by his name, and unfortunately, Seungcheol was one of them.

He sighed, still sitting on the chair, "A gun is something you should not play around with officer Choi. It's unlocked and as far as I know your government procedure, you aren't supposed to pull a gun out like that in public. Look around you, people are scared."

And Seungcheol did. Every face had a stupid emotion known as fear plastered on it. They were scared for their life but Seungcheol couldn't help it.

He can't let Jeonghan go, not when he was seeing him after a full fucking eight years of disappearance.

And surprisingly, when his head turned back to look at Jeonghan, the man had now stood up with his gun pointed at Seungcheol's forehead.

As sly as ever.

Seungcheol didn't felt anything by those actions, neither panick, nor fear, "It is fun to have me as an opponent isn't it?" A smirk was plastered on Seungcheol's face the moment he realised Jeonghan's brows were frowning, "Let's get it your way then. How about we see who can pull the trigger first? Shall we?"

Jeonghan thought he heard wrong, "Really Choi? You really think you can compete me? In guns? For real?"

"I can't." Seungcheol admitted. "But I can outsmart you."

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