Jeongcheol 11

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"I had to." There came a soft voice coming from Jeonghan's side, "If it was just me, i would have never looked back at those things. That betrayal, it was nothing to me but my team was my family Seungcheol. How can I leave someone who tried to kill the only people who cherish me and love me as the way I am?"

"Was i not in those people?" Seungcheol asked, still not looking at the man on his lap while his eyes kept staring at the stars in the sky. Jeonghan on the other hand took at deep breath, "You were one of them too and i knew, the best thing I could give to you was the gift of leaving you. I knew it from starting that we weren't meant to be together. Everyone constantly reminded me of myself, my existence, my flaws and their effect on you. I knew it was the best for you to not have me around."

Seungcheol didn't spoke anything for whole minutes neither he looked back at Jeonghan. But Jeonghan was impatient, so much that he was dieing from inside to hear Seungcheol say anything at the moment. Giving up, he made Seungcheol look at him and the moment he did, Seungcheol's tears fell on his cheeks.

He was crying.

It didn't took Jeonghan even a second to sit up and take Seungcheol in his embrace. The officer sobbed harder when Jeonghan hugged him tightly, "Why did you kept coming back to me then?"

"Huh?" Jeonghan was confused and Seungcheol's softly choking voice added more to his confusion, "You said you knew you weren't best for me then why? Why did you send those flowers? Why did you write those letters? Why did you always treated me like i was your man? You said you loved me, you said you wanted the world to know about it then why did you left me suddenly? You didn't even told me, not even gave me a hint that you were alive!"

Jeonghan rubbed his back, his own eyes filling with water when Seungcheol continued, "I waited for you, one Saturday, two Saturdays, three Saturdays, just to end up hearing a news that you were dead. I cried Jeonghan, i fucking locked myself in the same apartment you always told me to visit and cried for two whole days! I thought I lost you! Do you even know how scared I was? The guilt i felt?"

"I am sorry-" Jeonghan himself choked on his own breath the moment he tried to apologise. But at that moment, Seungcheol didn't need a sorry from him, not that atleast, "Don't say that to me! I was living with the uncertainty of you being alive or dead and you didn't even bother hinting me that you were doing well. Did you even missed me Yoon Jeonghan?!"

"I did!" Jeonghan's nose was all read by now, "I missed you like hell Seungcheol! I missed you like everyday. You know every time I visited Seoul, i always tried to take a glance of you, a little sneak peek of you would end up making my days. Why do you even think I kept coming back to Seoul? To eat food? It was to know how you are doing? How have you been and you seemed happy without me-"

"I was shit without you!" Seungcheol broke the hug and made Jeonghan look at his watery eyes, "I spent years looking for you, I wouldn't be doing so if I was happy. The apartment, it seemed like more empty without your letters in there. The food tested more bland without you writting me to eat them regularly. I was dieing from inside, for you, only for you."

Jeonghan had one more grudge to show off at the moment, "But you never told you you liked me?!"

"I would have told my whole department about you if i didn't! It was just you who didn't caught it at the right moment!"

When Seungcheol was about to nag at him once again, Jeonghan placed his hands on his neck and placed a kiss on his lips. The quick peck soon turned into a way to show how much they missed eachother. When they seperated, Jeonghan ended up wping Seungcheol's tears off his cheeks from his sleeves, "This is the shirt I gifted you for the first time, isn't it?"

Seungcheol looked back at the blue shirt he was wearing and then looked at Jeonghan, still sobbing, "Glad that you noticed."

Jeonghan threw himself on Seungcheol again and this time, Seungcheol hugged him at the right moment. He placed a kiss on Jeonghan's cheeks, his hands wrapped around Jeonghan's waist as he spoke, "You won't leave me again, will you?"

"Not even when I'll die. I rather haunt you than leave you again."

Seungcheol kissed his cheeks again, murmmering , "I missed you."

Jeonghan was definitely crying rivers behind his back as his voice cracked slightly when he spoke, "I missed you too. Heck, I missed you every day of my life."

Seungcheol broke into giggles, "Why? You didn't got any Choi Seungcheol back there?" He teased him when Jeonghan shook his head, "No one is like you. There is no other Choi Seungcheol for me to Love. It was always you."


"Just for you."

Seungcheol then broke the hug, making Jeonghan sit straight before fishing a ring out of his pocket and look at him, "Marry me Yoon Jeonghan or I'll die single right here."

Jeonghan's gaze for a first few moments were fixed on the ring before his eyes went back to Seungcheol, shining under the moonlight, "Are you sure?"

What type of question was that? But Seungcheol knew the three words held much more meaning to Jeonghan than he could have expected.

He still replied surely, "I am. I am ready to accept you as you are. Your flaws, your scars, your past, present and future, everything. I don't care how many people you killed or how many are still in your list. All I know is I have lost you once and I am not repeating the same mistakes twice. All I know is i want you, I love you and I will cherish you forever."

Jeonghan felt like his stomach was flipping inside his body when he heard Seungcheol say those words. He  leaned in to kiss Seungcheol but the man immediately blocked him to have the access, "Yes or no?"

He was serious for it and Jeonghan couldn't help but giggle before nodding and getting the ring on his ring finger and going for the kiss the next moment. And when he did, Seungcheol didn't retreated. He infact pulled him more close and deepen the kiss, almost like he was hungry for it from ages.

And that's how Yoon Jeonghan had his Choi Seungcheol back. The love that he lost in admist of the chaos of his life was back to him again. When he thought life couldn't be better, Choi Seungcheol was there to prove that it can.

The pretty privilege did got him a husband.

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