Jeongcheol 4

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Jeonghan was in disbelief, "Dang man! You really know how to make me speechless, don't you?"

Seungcheol just shrugged his shoulders and focused back on his coffee. When Jeonghan thought the man was done with his all questions, Seungcheol turned to look at him, asking something again, "What are you doing now then? Don't tell me you are here to kill-"

Jeonghan interrupted him immediately, "I left that work Seungcheol. We all left it and went back to begin what we really wanted to. I am really greatful your government is lazy as fuck and believed that we are dead. It's the first time a dumb government made me feel proud of myself."

If it was Seungcheol of back then, the one who used to bicker with Jeonghan at every bad word said to his police force and his government, they might have started their little argument right there. But Seungcheol now, to Jeonghan's surprise, didn't fought back. He instead sipped on his coffee again and nodded, like they were on the same page right now.

He really has changed drastically and Jeonghan, strange to say, was liking all of it.

Infact he liked Choi Seungcheol when he was stubborn and rigid as fuck, how can he not like this version which was a little more in his favour.

"Where are your teammates then?" Seungcheol asked a question Jeonghan hesitated to think of a reply. He could have lied but meeting Choi Seungcheol after eight years resisted his honest self in doing so.

He knew lie was something which would take them nowhere, "I wish I could tell you but for safety measures, no."

Seungcheol scoffed, probably thinking of him as fool, "You are saving them when you are sitting right in front of me? Aren't you scared i could be doing the same thing with you?"

Jeonghan was still sitting on his chair when Seungcheol briefly looked at him for any kind of reactions, "I am literally okay even if you turn me to jail. It's between you and me and if this little date cost me my rest of the life, I am okay with that. But I would like to keep my only existing family out of our business."

Seungcheol narrowed his brows, "Who said we were on date?"

Jeonghan kept his coffee on the table and leaned towards Seungcheol, a teasing grin on his face the moment he attempted to poke the tip of Seungcheol's nose, "I am saying that. It's date from my side so don't say anything and let me be delusional in peace."

Seungcheol rubbed his nose where Jeonghan touched him a moment ago, "You didn't change at all. How can you even say something like that with a straight face?"

Jeonghan laughed, throwing himself back on his chair as he exclaimed, "That is my speciality officer Choi. I am brutally honest and still when I say I'll kill someone, people don't believe me."

"Only if you become a little more serious, people will start believing you."

"Are you giving me tips?"

"Call it an advice."

Though Jeonghan again laughed at that, Seungcheol couldn't help but look at him. He was still as young as he was ten years ago. If Seungcheol was freshly recruited Back then, Jeonghan was also a very young man of the same age. Though Jeonghan right now looked more mature than before but Seungcheol could tell his beauty never degraded. Infact he looked more impossible than he looked before.

Not to mention the way he laughs, it was so amusing. Seungcheol knew if he stood up right now and screamed that the man in front of him was an old assassin with plenty of murder on his head, no one would believe him. He still wonders how can someone who looked like this can get into a work as dengerous as that.

"You've gotten bold Seungcheol." There was an amusing smile on Jeonghan's face.

"How so?" Seungcheol asked simply.

"Back then you could never look at me for more than three seconds and now you are oogling at me without any concern. I really missed everything in these eight years didn't i?"

Seungcheol chuckled at the statement, keeping his empty cup back on the table before replying, "Call it a side effect of not having you around for  plenty of years."

Jeonghan giggled at the confession though he knew Seungcheol was joking. Unfortunately enough, the man in front had his coffee finished and now was preparing to get up to leave.

"I can order one more cup if you want to." He offered, not really wanting the only person in Seoul to leave him so soon.

The officer on the other hand shook his head, "Minghao had called me for like fifteen times already. I have to go back and well," he poked the tip of Jeonghan's nose, catching him off-guard, "Bring a better excuse to see me around next time. I know you can do better."

Jeonghan thought he was hallucinating when Seungcheol ruffled his hair and turned back to leave. The officer then turned back again at now frozen Jeonghan, "Anyways, thanks for the book."

The book was none of Jeonghan's concern at the moment, "Can we meet tomorrow?"

Seungcheol would be lieing if he said he wasn't expecting it, but still he asked teasingly "For what?"

"It's October 4 tomorrow. It's my birthday."

Jeonghan was looking expectantly at him, almost as if he said no, he would cry at the given moment. But Seungcheol on the other hand sighed, "Can't say no to a birthday boy, can i?"

The eyes of Jeonghan beamed with happiness the moment he realised he would be meeting Seungcheol tomorrow as well. He couldn't even comprehend how much happy he was to have someone on his birthday.

The same birthdays he spent alone all of his life. He had spent more than three dacades in this country and unfortunately, his every birthday was spent alone. He was always sitting somewhere in the corner of a bar, drinking, when his own teammates knew nothing about his birthday.

Seungcheol might have caught the happiness shining in his eyes when he asked the question, "Didn't know you were this eager to see me."

"See, that's your problem." Jeonghan wrote the address and time on the tissue paper kept aside as he handed it to Seungcheol, "Only if you knew about me, i wouldn't have to call you on my birthday."

"I know about you, atleast more than you think. But you tell me, do you know about me?"

"Huh?" Jeonghan face was full with confusion, so much that Seungcheol immediately retreated what he said.

"Nevermind. I'll see you tomorrow then."

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