Jeongcheol 7

666 40 5

He tried to change the topic, "You remember the day when we met for the second time?"

Seungcheol chuckled at the statement, "When you broke into my apartment?"

Jeonghan laughed at the sarcasm, which was less of sarcasm and more of a reality for Seungcheol, "It was the very first time I was scared as fuck by someone."

"You didn't look like that, like you were scared or something."

"Why won't I be scared. I literally thought that was my last day. Imagine you opening your apartment just to watch a man who ran away from your possession? Not to mention it was the exact way you kill someone, by breaking into apartments."

Jeonghan laughed again as if this was something very funny to him, "So you do get scared, don't you?"

"I am a human Jeonghan, I feel what everybody feel. Though i might not show it, there are many things I keep inside myself just for the sake of my profession. Let me tell you, I am not as unhinged as you think."

"TMI of the day isn't it?" And they both broke into a fit of laughter the next moment. Seungcheol on the other hand recollected his memories, of the time when Jeonghan ran away from jail and came back to meet him in his apartment, exactly after a week of running away.


Seungcheol sighed. After a hectic day, the last thing he was supposed to be doing was getting into traffic and now fudging with lock protection of his own apartment. It's officially been days since he last came into his apartment and right now, when he was supposed to put his password for the lock to open, his mind went blank.

What was the password again? He tried to remember those tiny digits that weren't coming into his mind. Giving up, he fished his phone out, went through different pictures just to see which one was having the password he definitely saved for later.

This was his problem. He couldn't remember numbers, specially those he wasn't using for long time. He was sure if somebody came up to him right now and asked him for his mobile number, he would lag in remembering that too. Numbers weren't his plus point, definitely.

But as he was forgetful, he was also intelligent enough to take photos of every important number that he could possibly use in future. His lock password was one of them and right now, when he was going through his photos, which mainly consisted of lots of photos of different numbers and places, he was having difficulty in finding one.

He fortunately did find his password, after full fifteen minutes of fudging.
The moment he was pressing the buttons to put his password, he couldn't help but think how tiresome his day was. That was all because of that fucker Angel 1004. If he hadn't ran away from the jail, he wouldn't have to be doing double shifts to know where he currently was.

And lowkey, everyone in department knew how sly that man was. Once he flee away from somewhere, it was like impossible to catch him back. Seungcheol couldn't help but curse at his seniors. He fucking did his everything to catch that man just for them to end up failing to keep him in jail? And right now he have to do double work for finding him back? What kind of logic was that?

The door opened with a clang the moment the password was accepted. Seungcheol warily opened the door, the silence and darkness welcoming him as his first reaction was to put his bag on the couch and slump back in same place like the half dead man he was.

The place was still dark, as always Seungcheol never bothered to turn on the lights when he was in his apartment. The darkness somehow comforted him in thinking he was not alone, that something was still surrounding him in between these empty walls.

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