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The blood red train emerged from the darkness of the tunnel. The one I'd been anxiously staring at for what felt like hours.

Hogwarts was the last place I wanted to go back to. Fifth year meant exams and exams meant, revision and preparation and well, motivation, which would greatly affect my current situation.

The dark mark.

I have a task, I must complete the task, I must not let him down.

The task at hand isn't as difficult as the one I believed he would give me to kill Dumbledore or somebody, anybody of great importance.

But no..

My task is hardly as complex as carrying out a murder.

I looked around the empty compartments, debating which one would leave me undisturbed. I chose the one at the back of the train praying no one would join me.

Thankfully nobody did until a light knock sounded from outside my compartment door, It was the trolley lady.

I slid the door open slightly. "anything from the trolley dear" She smiled. I pondered for a short while, thinking about whether I could actually stomach any of the food she had on offer.

"i'll just take a pumpkin juice please" I handed her the correct money and nodded as she passed me the glass bottle, a pumpkin on the top.

I sat back down. This was going to be an incredibly long journey. Minutes passed and my eyes began to get heavier.

I'd been having trouble sleeping. I've had to adjust to my new routine. Over the summer i found the routine rather inconvenient.

I'd go to bed, My arm would burn, i'd get up and dressed and then go straight to wherever The Dark Lord needed me.

At least now that i'm at Hogwarts he shouldn't feel the need to drag me out of bed at ridiculous hours.

Th compartment door opened abruptly, my eyes snapped open.

"Malfoy wants to know why you're avoiding him" Snarled the rather large boy in front of me paired with his usual companion.

"Oh piss off Goyle" I rolled my eyes, shaking my head.

"He says you haven't owled him all summer" He bit back. My jaw clenched. Why can't people mind their own bloody business.

"If Malfoy has such an issue with my lack of responses tell him to come and ask me about them himself...Like a big boy"

Crabbe and Goyle looked a bit taken aback by my harsh response however, they hadn't seen this side of me before.

Did it even exist before this summer?

It was often questioned whether I should be in Slytherin. Both my parents were but, I hold little of the attributes they do, and have been considered "too kind"

My excuse for that is that there's not need to be so far up your own arse all the time.

I closed my eyes again and by the time I opened them, we were at Hogwarts. I got off the train after the bustling crowd. I was not up for small talk. I walked slowly behind the crowds.

First years were extremely visible throughout the crowds. My little cousin Juniper was becoming a first year. I thought she'd of come to find me by now, but then again her mother and father have probably informed her of my recent achievements.

It took me a few seconds to realise the head of platinum blonde hair which had turned around to face me.
I hadn't realised i'd stopped in my tracks until he snarled and brought me back to reality.

Maybe I should of answered his letters. It would have made my task a lot easier, but probably more painful.

If he hates me it will make it a lot more difficult to make him love me.

The Dark Lord wants him and he wants me to be the one to deliver.

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