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I found it rather refreshing returning to my classes. I had always liked the idea of a routine. It allowed me to stay organised when mayhem arose.

Potions was generally a bore however, in todays class Seamus Finnigan ended up messing up his potion, resulting in an explosion and his hair turning pink. This was not out of the ordinary for Seamus, He was often getting himself into such situations. He certainly never fails to entertain.

I had a free hour in between potions and Herbology and so I took a walk down to the Black lake. I sat down at a nearby tree and I pulled a plain black notebook as well as ink and a quill out of my satchel.

I turned to the next clean page and dipped the feathered quill into the black liquid. A small blotch of ink splattered across the page.

I began to write.

'Task plan:
!Must be completed by the Summer!
• Convince Draco Malfoy to become a Deatheater.
• Both Lucius and Narcissa are Deatheaters.
•Draco knows this.
•Dark Lord wants Draco in time for sixth year as he has an important task.
•Draco needs to repay for his fathers mistakes.

I continued jotting down information which may prove to be useful. I looked up, eyes scanning the gorgeous lake. The way the water hit the rocks was so satisfying and relaxing. despite it being so rough. The lake glistened as a result of the suns reflection.

It was very peaceful down here. This is one of the places that I intend to show Juniper. She should have a space that she can flee to.

The wind picked up and a chill ran effortlessly down my spine. My body began trembling and I wrapped my arms around my legs in an attempt to hold onto any remaining warmth.

I had 15 minutes until Herbology was due to begin and therefore I stood, retreating back to the warmth of the castle.

As I got closer to the castle, I spotted many familiar faces. Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, Pansy and Draco. This will be interesting. It's not as though I could just walk past and blank the group.

Pansy spotted me first, a grim expression on her face. She scowled, highlighting her pug-like features. Draco had also noticed me at this
point. His face slightly less sour than the black haired girl opposite him.

"Well well, where have you been then?" Draco stated curiously. I looked at him, attempting to analyse his emotion. The thing with Draco is that you cannot tell how he is feeling. No matter the situation. He has a very difficult face to read. I assume that it's a result of being a Malfoy. After spending so much time at his manor as a child I was often around to see his fathers discipline.

It was barbaric to say the least. He had to stand up straight and tall, if he faltered from the immaculate posture he would get a stern telling off. If he smiled too hard and too often that was considered too childish and ill-mannered. At times I felt sorry for him.

I, myself was found to be rather frightened of the elder Malfoy. His sharp facial features, stern expressions and overall lack of emotion made him seem inhumane.

On the other hand Narcissa, Draco's mother was quite the opposite. She loves Draco, she always has done, since the moment she layed eyes on him. She does her best to protect him which is why I believe he has not yet become a Deatheater. She wouldn't allow it to be forced upon him and if that did happen she would do anything in her power to protect him.

"Just went for a walk down by the lake" I replied.

His eyebrows rose and he nodded. He was about to respond when Pansy interrupted.

"Did you see a giant squid Goodwin?" she asked bitterly. I furrowed my brows.

"I can't say that I did Pansy, why do you ask?" I questioned her.

A short giggle escaped her lips, all 5 of us looked at her in confusion.

"It's just a shame really, you would have looked beautiful covered in black ink" she looked around as if to see if anybody understood what she was getting at. Nobody understood.

"Oh wait, you're hands already are!!" She cackled loudly and all eyes suddenly latched onto the sight of my hands. I quickly snapped my head downwards realising that she was indeed correct.

I must have gotten ink on me whilst writing.

When I looked back at the group,
both Crabbe and Goyle had smirks upon their faces. Draco and Blaise watched me intently, and Pansy continued laughing.

"Wonder what she's been getting up to down at the lake then" She howled. I rolled my eyes, face suddenly beginning to feel hot. My palms folded into fists and I felt as though I wanted to grab my wand.

I waited until her laughter died down before I continued.

"You know what Pansy? You seriously need to grow up and get a life. Have you ever heard of the word 'homework'? It's what people do in order to further their knowledge and skills. Something i'm sure you know little to nothing about"

Once again she shut up pretty quickly. I didn't fail to notice her cheeks turning red in embarrassment. It was so simple to grind her gears. That's one thing I got out of our friendship.

I continued on my journey to class after realising that I had mere minutes to arrive, I pushed past Pansy, my shoulder hitting hers and I heard her take in a sharp breath as I did so. I hurried along the corridors, straight to the greenhouses.

When I arrived, plant pots had been set up on everybody's potting stations. We were planting Dittany, a perennial plant. It's known to be used for healing purposes. Which would definitely prove useful this year.

Professor Sprout led us through the lesson step by step. She explained just how we should plant the seeds, how deep they would need to go and the volume of water needed.

Herbology was a subject I enjoyed, not because of its contents but because of the simplicity of the subject. It didn't require a hell lot of thinking. It was more of a satisfying process than complicated.

"Your Dittany shall not take long to grow, come back before breakfast tomorrow to collect your plants"

I made a mental note to remember to coke back and get my Dittany.

"That's all for today, class dismissed"

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