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By the time I sat down at the Slytherin table, Dumbledore had already started his annual speech, or should I say his incredibly long and boring speech.

He said the same old things every year..make friends, don't be out past curfew , don't go in the forbidden forest; Blah blah blah.

All a bunch of nonsense really.

The sorting ceremony began and first year after first year were called upon to reveal their true selves. A few kids came to Slytherin, they did look the sort. They were the types of kids you wouldn't approach at a muggle playground.

Although everyone said the opposite about me. The only thing that affirmed my Slytherin status was my family, oh and the fact that my only friend was Draco Malfoy.

Many considered it odd that he had befriended me but then again, did he really have a choice.

My family and his were always close, meeting up for dinners, attending galas together. I'm even convinced our mothers timed their pregnancies.

Shame that all needs to change.

I had stopped taking notice of the sorting ceremony, it's the same more or less every year, majority of the kids get Gryffindor and then there's some occasional Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaw and Slytherins.

My eyes shot up at the sound of the most recent name called.

"Juniper Goodwin" my head snapped towards the direction of the sorting hat. There she was, looking so frightened, and so small in comparison to the Great Hall, but then again wasn't we all?

A few Slytherins darted their eyes towards me. My family were not unknown within the Wizarding World and so I doubt they failed to realise who she was.

She sat down on the old familiar stool and took a deep breath.

The sorting hat began to mutter although not quite loud enough for us all to hear.

"Ah yes yes, I're not like the others are you?" The sorting hat stated.

Her eyes bulged and curiosity coursed it's way throughout my body.

"I think I know the perfect house for you, one where you will succeed"

She closed her eyes, and my lips pursed together with anxiety. If she didn't get Slytherin it would make things a hell lot harder for her.

"HUFFLEPUFF!" the sorting hat expressed.

Her mouth fell open, claps echoed around the room although it's quite possible this could be her worst nightmare.

I felt sorry for her. Even I thought she'd get Slytherin.

She is more of Slytherin than me. Or maybe she just doesn't want to become me. Or her parents.

I can't blame her.

Her eyes caught mine and I mustered up a small smile, attempting to make her feel better.

I'd go find her after dinner.

I was sat alone towards the far end of the table, dinner had begun and it was rather lovely. I filled my plate to the brim.

I was about to tuck in when all of a sudden. "Got something to say" I could recognise that voice in my sleep.

I slowly looked up. "Malfoy" I nodded.

"Malfoy? since when do you call me Malfoy?...Goodwin" He snarled, it was weird seeing this side of him, he usually reserved it for his worst enemies, like Potter.

Does he consider me an enemy?

"Apologies, Draco" I emphasised his name making him even more furious.

"What's the matter with you? hm? I haven't heard from you all summer" he shook his head and paused.

He proceeded to sit down opposite me, his head hung low. He looked left and right before proceeding with the conversation.

"Has it got something to do with what happened at the end of last year?" he whispered.

I groaned internally. We had a moment before we left for the summer. We got a lot closer over the last month and even shared a kiss here and there, nothing serious.

"What! no" I half whispered, half shouted back at him.

"What's your problem then?" he said through gritted teeth. His hands hit the table and he leant forward towards me.

By now many menacing Slytherin eyes has latched onto us, awaiting our next move. We were practically joined at the hip last year, inseparable, and now we're having some sort of domestic over the dinner table.

My head snapped towards their direction, a scowl making itself welcome upon my features. Whereas before they would not have felt the slightest hint of threat, each and every one of them diverted their eyes from mine.

Perks of being a Deatheater I suppose, although I doubt that they know.

I turned back to boy sat before me. His facial expression the same, untouched scowl he held before.

"Look...I'm sorry I didn't respond. This summer was hectic, I was in fathers study learning all sorts of new contraptions and stuff, i'm sure you know what i'm talking about" I hinted, I tilted my head, praying he had sort sort of idea to what I was talking about.

"No actually, my father spent a lot of his time away from the manor, hardly saw him, or my mother for that matter" He looked away, a brief hint of sadness in his eye before his gaze became cold again.

I felt guilty. Guilty for not responding. Guilty for what I have to do.

I can't go soft now. Death eaters don't go soft, at least that's what they always say. God knows many have. I mustn't.

"Look...I said i'm sorry okay, we're not five anymore, get over yourself, no point in getting all worked up over nothing" I stood up.

"I have business to attend to" I paused.


I eagerly made my way over to the Hufflepuff table and I could feel his eyes burning through the back of me as I did so.

He'll get over it, he has to.

"Hey Junebug"

The Burden of Time || Draco Malfoyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن