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Darling Myra,

I am writing to you today as Severus has informed us of the new defence against the dark arts professor. Firstly, I must say that I am appaled to hear of her strict 'No Magic' rule however, you shan't have to worry about that, after your training in the summer your abilities will be more than adequate. However, I have asked Severus to give you a few lessons here and there so, expect to hear from him. Dolores Umbridge is a peculiar women yet, she has powerful connections, connections that could lead to Potter and it has been brought to our awareness that she is forming a "squad" of sorts. Father and I urge you to put yourself forward for the role. Draco's parents have also encouraged the same.

Oh and The Dark Lord has been asking about you, he is excited to hear of your progress, it is in your best interest to not keep him waiting much longer.

All the best,

Draco had in fact gotten a similar owl, just without the mention of him. He had confided in me, after he'd stormed into the common room the previous evening. He confessed that he is fed up of doing his parents bidding and that he wants to have a normal school experiance this year instead of running around with some squad. I informed him that I had recieved a similar owl. He asked to see it. I lied and said that i'd burnt it out of anger.

It sounds awful but I have a constant guilty feeling in the pit of my stomach, which is causing me to view Draco as more of a project rather than a boyfriend, which in a way is true. Everything has just happened so quickly. I suppose I shouldn't complain but its just that it's had such a huge effect on how I view him.


Me and Draco sat in the common room, in our usual spot. We spoke for a while whilst recieving funny looks from our peers. We hadn't been expressive of our relationship, we kept it to ourselves. for Draco, this was unusual. Draco is the type of boy who loves to flaunt his girl around the castle but things seem different this time.

His hand was holding mine as we sat in a comfortable silence. 'You never did tell me why you have a private room' Draco stated and I absentmindeldly rolled my eyes but I dont think he saw. 'Did I not?'
'No you didn't' He looked at me, anticipation becoming evident across his features. 'My parents paid for it' I said but he scowled. 'Why would they do that?'
'Because I haven't been sleeping well...Nightmares' This was true. He nodded and left the conversation there although I had another idea.

'Want to see it?' I questioned. Snape has removed the enchantment which disallows boys to enter the dormitories for fifth years onwards yet, has failed to tell anybody other than me. I mean how am I supposed to convince him to join the dark side without even so much as taking him to my bedroom.

he looked confused. 'Not possible' he stated monotonly. I rolled my eyes before checking if anybody was looking. After ensuring that it was safe I cast a dillusionment spell on him and he immediately disappeared. 'follow me'

he did as told and began to follow me. Despite not being able to see him, I was still able to sense his presence. He entered the stairwell to the girls dormitory and seemed rather startled when he managed to do so. 'Merlin's beard' He called out from behind me causing me to shush him. A girl exited her dormitory. It was a girl named isidora mottley, she's a year younger than us. When she passed me she began to sniff the air. she looked back at me. 'bloody hell Goodwin, you smell more like Malfoy than he does' She exclaimed and I smirked. Someone clearly has a thing for Draco but dont get me wrong his scent is extremely memorable. Apples, Cologne and mint.

We continued down the corridor until we reached the end. I had cast a locking charm on the door as to keep unwanted people out. I cast a simple Alohamora on the door and watched as the door swung open. I walked inside, holding the door open just long enough for Draco to enter. After I felt him walk past I shut the door and removed the charm I had placed upon him. He stood in the centre of the room, astonished. We didn't say anything as he was too preoccupied with looking around.

I walked over to my bed and sat down on the edge. My hands brushed againt my silk bedsheets. He soon followed sitting next to me. 'I cannot believe you get this all to yourself' he stated and I chuckled.
'No i'm serious Myra' I looked at him. 'I might just have to write to Father y'know' I rolled my eyes 'Say that i've been having nightmares'

'What exactly does Draco Malfoy have to worry about, what nightmares would you be having' I questioned out of genuine curiosity. 'I do get them, most of them are about you-know-who and when he's gonna turn me into one of them' he confessed and I was lost for words. I looked at him hopelessly for a second.

'I don't think it will be that bad' I said and he looked at me confused. 'Being one of them you know' This was of course another lie. Its horrendous. 'What do you mean?'

'I just think that it won't be that bad, I mean lets be serious for a second. Whats the worst thats gonna happen?' I said and he looked furious. I stood up and sat down on his lap, straddling him. "Draco, our parents have managed just fine for years. We both come from families of death eaters, it's our legacy to continue their work, we must Draco, we must make them proud okay?'

I looked into his eyes, his icey grey ones piercing mine as if I were his prey. 'We are meant to be deatheaters draco' He looked down, away from me. 'I didnt take you for the type to be honest Myra' He paused. 'you've always been so kind, so innocent'

He couldn't be more wrong. Despite the voice in my head telling me not to I continued spewing nonsense to his face. It seemed to go on forever.

'I guess you're right' He finally admitted and I froze
'What?' I asked.
'I said you are right, It is our legacy'

I couldn't believe my ears.

'I know they're planning it, I know he is in my house' He said. 'I know that you're parents have been in my house and I even know that there was an initiation ceremony during the summer for new members. Young members'

My body stiffened, my heart pounded and rang through my entire body.

He knows.

'Show me your arm' He seethed. His mood has changed drastically. Perhaps this was all an act. 'Sorry?'

'Show me your fucking arm now!'

I stood up from the bed, retreating. He followed moving closer to me. My back hit the wall. He towered over me, anger prominant on his face. 'Show it to me'

Suddenly I felt angry. How dare he order me to do anything. I looked up at him and spoke theough my teeth. 'Get out'

His expression failed to falter and he kept up his facade.

'GET OUT NOW' I shouted in his face whilst using all the strenth i had to attempt to get him to leave. He didnt go very far and so I had to revert to magic. I pulled my want out of my robe pinning it to his neck. Surely this isnt how couples treat each other.

'Get out Malfoy, I mean it'

He looked hurt by my sudden outburst and took a few steps back. The only time i'd ever used magic on his was when we were kids and playing with our parents wands. and niw here \i was threatening him 'Merlin, you really are one of them aren't you' He said. 'What have they done to you' He walked back to me.

'Expelliarmus' he interuppted. He grabbed my wand. When he reached me he grabbed my arm. He pulled up my sleeve, only to reveal nothing but pale skin.

Thank Merlin it was on the other arm.

He furrowed his brows.

'I- Im sorry' He said.

'Get out'

he did as told, turning around and retreating through the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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