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Detention with Umbridge was horrific to say the least. The woman insisted on me using her quill, only for it carve my own words deep into my skin. When the burning sensation began she simply stood with a grim smile etching its way onto her face. She really is psychotic. The pain, as awful as it was did not even compare the the pain the Dark Mark forces me to endure and so for the rest of the detention I didn't allow her the satisfaction of watching me suffer in fact, she grew so bored that she let me go early, on the basis that I bestir myself within her lessons.

It was the morning of the Hogsmeade trip. I had awoken rather early in an attempt to get ready in time for breakfast. It was a Saturday and so breakfast was an hour later than it's usual time anyways.

I placed a scarf around shoulders, letting it hang loosely rather than tying it. I had carefully chosen an outfit I thought Draco would like.

I wore a baggy sage green Jumper on top of a black mini skirt paired with a thin pair of tights, a pair of white socks and Dr Martens.

My hair hung loosely around my shoulders, and I had applied little makeup. I made my way down to the great hall eagerly. I was starving to say the least.

When I reached the hall I could see McGonagall at the front of the room calling out the names of third years. It is their first time going to Hogmeade, She has to ensure that each and every one of them has had a permission slip signed.

I sat down at the table and began piling food onto my plate. I scoffed the lot in a matter of minutes and felt satisfied as I finished. If i'm being completely honest it was probably the most i've managed to eat in a longtime.

I took a sip of my pumpkin juice. Whilst looking over the top of the cup I spotted Draco walking into the hall. I always found it peculiar seeing him out of his uniform. He came across as the type of person who would wear uniform on a non-uniform day.

He was wearing a pair of black straight trousers with a grey Cashmere jumper. He wore a pair of smart shoes. He looked very expensive.

He eyed his friends who sat slightly further down from me. I had decided to sit alone for breakfast as I wanted some time to think. He then looked at me, and then back towards his friends. He was obviously deciding who to sit with.

He began walking towards me and then proceeded to sit down opposite me.

"Excited for today?" he asked me.

I quirked an eyebrow. "If i'm being honest Draco, I'm more excited to see what sweets you buy me" I smiled.

He let out a breathless laugh.

He ate his breakfast rather quickly and we then made our way to the courtyard. He had ended up using "Accio" after we had made our way outside. He felt the chill and immediately decided a coat was necessary.

After checking everyone was liable to leave the grounds we made our way through the gates and down to Hogsmeade. We are quite lucky to have places such as Hogsmeade and Lower/upper Hogsfield so close to the castle.

Me and Draco walked next to each other in comfortable silence, mentioning a few things here and there such as how the trees look pretty since autumn is on the horizon. Each leaf was beginning to turn a shade of burnt orange.

I sometimes feel like a leaf, as silly as it sounds I am casually growing darker as more time passes.

We reached Hogsmeade and groups of people began spreading out across the small village. Many headed straight to the Three Broomsticks for a Butter Beer yet, I was determined. I must have my liquorice Wands.

Not many people I know like Liquorice. I know Draco doesn't. Growing up he would always pull a face of disgust whenever I would eat anything of the sort.

Draco followed me as I made my way towards Honeydukes. I entered the shop. Shelves upon shelves were packed full of all different kinds of sweet treats. It truly is child Heaven in here.

I headed straight over to the Liquorice section and pondered. Draco looked down at me and when I turned my head upwards to look at him I noticed a smirk on his face.

"What?" I asked unknowingly.

He slowly closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Every time we come in here, it's as if you revert back to your 8 year old self" He continued smirking.

I rolled my eyes at him and then proceeded to look without a second thought.

I picked up a small bag of Liquorice Wands, then debated getting a bag of Blackcurrant Liquorice. I did.

I moved closer to the till and I picked up a chocolate frog for Juniper, she's been collecting the cards for as long as I can remember.

I placed everything down onto the counter and the woman working there began to take account of my items.

I pulled my purse from my pocket about to retrieve the correct amount of Galleons.

"What do you think you're doing" I heard Draco say before he stepped in front of me. "This is on me remember, wasn't that the deal?" He said, not expecting me to say much else.

"That was just a silly joke Draco, I can get these myself!" I argued. He tutted, shaking his head once again. I tried to allow him to let me pay but it's very hard to persuade Draco once his mind is set on something.

I thanked him for paying and we left the shop.

"I would have come with you regardless you know" I said looking up at him.

He nodded.

"I know"

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