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Juniper's head was hung low as I approached her. Hung low in shame. I can't imagine what's she's going through, I somehow convinced the hat to place me in Slytherin. It could probably sense my fear.

She looked up at me and only then did I notice the pools of water filling her eyes. My heart clenched. My little cousin so upset over letting the family down.

"Hey hey, come here" I said, sliding myself onto the bench, much to the disgust of her newly fellow Hufflepuffs. I simply ignored them.

I wrapped my arm around her pulling her closer to me, It reminded me of when she was little and our parents were out on "business" I was always tasked to look after her, not that it bothered me.

She rubbed her head into my robes and I heard her sniff a few times before looking up and meeting my empathetic eyes.

She looked at me with such despair.

"they're going to be so disappointed" she whispered.

She looked away as soon as she had said it, looking back down at her hands.

A few select students had turned to look at us. Some Slytherins in fact. Pansy Parkinson was looking directly at me. I locked eyes with her, daring her to look away, but of course she didn't. She wasn't the type to back down easily. I learnt that lesson many moons ago.

Pansy and I were close friends. If you could call it that. When we started first year, we shared a dorm, along with a few others; Millicent, Daphne...But I never quite bonded with those two like I did Pansy.

We spent every breathing moment together, we sat next to each other in class, spent lunch together. But that all changed when last year rolled around.

She got extremely jealous over my friendship with Draco, She hated that I had other friends besides her as she was not very well liked and had little friends.

I grew tired of her petty behaviour and told her it's best if we have some space apart. That space has yet to end, and so has her pettiness. Up until this year we still shared a dorm however, deeming that Snape's my Godfather and Head Of House he has put in a few special enquiries, regarding a private room.

Our staring contest only faltered when I felt a light tugging on the sleeve of my robe. "How am I going to tell them?" Juniper asked.

I pursed my lips. If i'm completely honest I haven't the slightest idea. "Look don't worry about it, send them a normal letter, saying Hogwarts is great and you love it, and just drop it in there, it's the best way trust me" I nodded as I finished speaking.

Juniper nodded in return and sighed.
She looked up at me, her eyes red and puffy.

"I wish I was more like you"

My breath hitched. If only she really knew me. Knew what I had to do, Who I had to do it for. I was sure her parents would have told her, perhaps they did, maybe she wants to be a death eater, or maybe i'm just getting ahead of myself.

I closed my eyes and shook those thoughts from my head.

"I've got to go Junny, promise me you'll be okay? I'll come and see you soon, have a good first night!" I kissed her in the head and stood up before giving her time to respond.

I exited the great hall, no more time for chit-chat. I've got actual business to attend to.

I reached the dungeons and headed straight for Snape's office. I'd seen him leave during dinner, and took the hint that he'd be waiting.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in" drawled the familiar voice.

I pushed open the door.

"Ah Myra, I have been expected you"

I gave a small smile. Snape stood from his chair, his eyes scanning the room.

His eyebrows rose, yet his frown stayed. It always stayed. he turned around towards the wall, cloak moving elegantly with him

Hi hand made contact with the shelves behind him and he pulled a single silver key from between the dust and oak.

He held it up in between two pale fingers.

"Here, this is yours" He passed the key to me and I noticed how it had a snake skin texture and pattern.


"The room is located at the far end of the girls dormitory's, if you have any trouble with the room let me know...After all, The dark lord wants the best for his loyal servants" He quirked an eyebrow at the end of his sentence and something about the way he did so sent chills running down my spine.

"Thank you Professor" I said nodding "This will be of great use" I paused

our eye contact remaining.

"Again, thank you" I stated.

I awkwardly turned, and headed out of the room.

The days ahead were not going to be easy and I sighed just thinking about them.

"Salazar" I said to open the common room door.

I was greeted by the familiar blue and green hues that lingered from the black lake. By now students had began to retire from dinner.

Some Slytherins were seated on the sofa playing a game of Wizard chess.

Oh what I would give for a game right now.

However, I've got more important things to focus on. More important people to focus on.

I walked towards the huge windows that pictured the black lake. Seaweed rested upon the lower end of the windows whilst wildlife swam amongst the water.

It was only a matter of time before the first years would be gathering around the windows, cluttering up the space, attempting to spot mermaids.

It was rare to see a mermaid from the common room, In fact I think only one has been spotted in the five years i've been here and that was by Adrian Pucey so who knows if he was even telling the truth.

Mermaids are incredibly shy creatures, despite their apparent cruel nature. Which explains their tendency to stay away from the end of the lake.

I sat down on one of the cozy black leather armchairs and began to think.

How do I make Draco Malfoy, my childhood best friend, who currently hates me, fall in love with me?

I groaned at the thought, hands rubbing over my face.

It was going to be a long night.

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