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"Care to explain" Draco cocked his head to the side. I mentally slapped myself.

Surely it was bound to come out at some point but I underestimated just how soon it actually would. Draco and Blaise's gaze did not falter. If I didn't know them so well, one may have been intimidated by them.

"Well..." I began. This lying thing seriously needs to get easier. Both boys raised their eyebrows. I closed my eyes for a long period of time.

I opened them, ready to spit lies right in their faces. "The thing is-"

"Myra!" Called Juniper from behind us. I turned around rapidly. A rush of relief overcoming me. I let out a happy sigh. Draco frowned, turning his head back to his breakfast and he stabbed a fork rather awkwardly into his untouched bacon.

"Hey Juni, what's up?" I said joyously, ignoring the two boys on my left. That conversation would simply have to wait.

"I was wondering if you could have a look over the letter i've written for mum and dad" She whispered the end part, clearly nervous.

I nodded expeditiously and stood up. I began following Juniper but soon remembered my company. I turned back to look at the pair only to find them already looking at me, frowns still littered upon their features.

"Sorry boys, duty calls" I smiled sweetly and turned back around, smile dropping immediately.

We had half an hour before classes were scheduled to begin and so I suggested to Juniper that we go for a walk around the castle grounds so that I could show her around some of my favourite spots.

She agreed, however informed me that the letter was up in her dorm room. She led me in the direction of the Kitchens which resided next to the Hufflepuff common room.

When we arrived she eagerly said the password.

"Wait here!" she said before descending into the common room.

I waited for approximately 5 minutes before she returned, She handed me a letter.

"Can I read it now?" I asked.

She bit her lip before nodding yes. I took the letter from the envelope and began reading.

'Dearest Mum and Dad.
I am glad to inform you that i've settled in well at Hogwarts. The journey on the train was absolutely delightful and I revelled in the surroundings. Dinner was delicious, and I must have eaten more than I have in the last few months in one sitting. I miss you both dearly. Myra came to see me last night, It was nice having a familiar face in such an unfamiliar environment, she says she will look after me whilst I am here so you've no need to worry. I've made a couple of new friends in my house and the Hufflepuff common room is undoubtedly gorgeous.

Can't wait to see you
Juniper x '

She watched me intently as I read over her letter. I nodded as I went along.

It always baffled me how literate she was when writing it was rather different than how she is in real life. Growing up, Juniper and I had life lessons drilled into us, ensuring we spoke elegantly and properly was always a priority. It sometimes felt as though we were living at a boarding school, when in fact it was just our manor.

"This is great Juni" I said whilst I still focused on the letter.

"I'll tell you what" She looked at me. "we will go to the Owlery now, and I will show you how to owl your letters" She didn't say anything but I knew she was agreeing.

She often reverted to silence in situations that made her nervous or uncomfortable. "I'll show you the grounds some other time" I sent her a lighthearted wink and wrapped an arm around her.

I guided her to the Owlery. She shivered as we exited the castle. It was September after all, Autumn was on the horizon.

We climbed the incredibly steep and lengthy staircase, taking a few breathing breaks in between. Despite being a quidditch player, these stairs always knew how to knock the breath out of me.

When we reached the top I placed both hands on my hips and took many exasperated breaths.

Juniper seemed to have coped relatively better than me on the incline. I'd blame it on age but i'm only 4 years older than her.

She led me to her owl that she had named Bluebell. I liked that name for an owl. The owl was a barn owl, which had brown freckles littered over its feathers, she was really quite sweet.

I handed her a couple treats that were left in the Owlery for students to give their owls. I instructed her on what to do.

Give the owl a treat, pass it the letter, give it the name and address of the recipient. She did as I said and Bluebell flew away in a dash.

The second she flew away, Juniper looked uneasy, this was obviously bothering her and I expect she will be stressed and anxious over the response in the next couple of days.

Fingers crossed it's not a Howler.

I remember my first Howler. It had arrived after a long and exaggerated feud with Draco. We argued over something or other in second year and I ended up insulting his hair. It was ridiculous, who uses that much gel to slick their hair back?

He got so worked up over it that he told his father. His father did not approve of my childish comment and informed my parents of my "rude" and "Inappropriate" comment.

The next day at breakfast the whole of Hogwarts heard my parents unleash their wrath onto me.

Over Draco Malfoy's gelled back hair.

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