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After dinner I went straight to my room to wait until it was time to leave and meet Draco.

I would have to sneak around since it was past curfew however, a few years back I collected a few Moons from demiguises for Filch and so he tends to be more relaxed if ever he sees me around after Curfew.

When the clock struck 20:45 I left my room. It would take me until 9 to reach the astronomy tower, Hogwarts sure isn't small.

I entered the corridor, The snake which guards the conmmon roon slithered eerily across the wall making the slytherin crested door disappear, as if the room simply does not exist. I turned left heading up a few flights of stairs which led out of the dungeons. I began my journey to the Astronomy Tower. The corridors were cold, damp and desolate. Hogwarts is usually bustling with students whereas, now after curfew, only the ghosts roam the halls. Their usual unbeknownst presence suddenly becoming alot more evident.

I hadn't seen Draco leave the common room, He must have left much earlier on. I continued on my journey, making sure to stay out of the way of prefects, as well as Umbridge. She has been known to aimlessly wander through the halls at night, scouring for somebody, anybody to torture.

The castle was only lit by a few laterns, The golden glow reflected off of the floor, and onto my cheeks. The warmth consoled me as I treaded through the dark twists and turns although, my shadow was prominant on the floor and each time I looked at it, I felt as though I was staring evil right back in the eye. I squinted my eyes together and shook my head each time I thought of such a thing. I knew that ultimately i was lwading myself toward Draco and I's demise. I feel terrible, every single day. But who's to say im in the wrong? Who knows if this feud between Potter and My lord will even play out?

My Lord.

If only my parents could hear me now.

I reached the Astronomy Wing and began to descend up the staircase. Imagery of constellations littered the walls and ceilings. I finally reached the top and turned around the last corner. Draco stood with his back to the siairs. His black suit blended with the surroundings effortlessly yet, his hair looked to be a perfect contrast between light and dark. The floor made a creaking noise and his head snapped around to investigate. His face softened ehen his eyes met mine.

"You're two minutes late" He rasied an eyebrow snarkily. I chuckled lowly "Shove off" He smirked at my response. I proceeded to the top of the stairs. He tilted his head towards the ledge of the tower. We used to come here alot last year but we haven't been since. I followed him to the ledge. We were extremely high up and the views were awesomely extensive. From here, you could clearly see Hogsmeade as well as Lower Hogsfield. The pair of us sat down, our legs dangling off the side of the tower.

"Its been awile since we've done this, hasn't it" I declared. He nodded slowly. "Yeah, haven't been up here since we said our goodbyes last year" He said solumnly. I feel guilty for ignoring him and shutting him out, Perhaps this would have all been easier if I had just told him when it happened. Its too late now, that's for sure.

I turned to look at him. Moonlight caressed his face, highlighing and capturing his features as if they were to be in an art gallery. His beauty is inexplicable, undeniable. Ive always been able to appriciate his beauty. Ive seen the way girls fawn over him as he walks past, even the girls he torments. Its as if being acknoledged by him is an acheivement. Of course there are the students who despise him so much they cant even stand the sight of him. His behaviour is unexplainable and unnecassary on many an occasion. His behavior is a personified version of his Father.

He must have noticed my gaze upon him as he turned to look at me. We made eye contact. He can be intimidating at times, especially when looking into his eyes although, today I felt nothing of the sort, in fact quite the opposite. Despite everything that had happened over the past few months, All I saw was my Bestfriend looking back at me and for that I couldnt be more grateful.

I was lost in my own thoughts when his lips pressed agaisnt mine. His lips were cold yet, soft. I kissed back softly and his hand came up to grip the side of my face. His tongue swiped at my upper lip seeking entrance. I oblidged and out tongues met and danced together swiftly. I moved closer to him and grabbed his black jumper. By the texture of the material, I knew this jumper had been expensive although that didnmt stop me from tightening my grip on him. Our lips continued to move ferociously, and despite everything, all the darkness, Sleepless nights, pain...I felt safe. Safe with him. Safe with Draco.

His thumb brushed up and down my cheek, he was very gentle. You woulsnt think that to look at him, In fact I would think quite the opposite.

He pulled back from the kiss suddenly. "I'm not going to lose you again am I?" He asked desperately. I shook my head, returning my lips to his although he pulled back once more. "Then I want you...I want all of you, your good days, your bad days" He was panting. "I want to be with you Myra" My eyes were wide. I'd never expected him to be so straight forward but on the other hand I certainly wasn't complaining.

I nodded "I'm yours"


We were still at the tower when the clock struck eleven. We talked about everything and nothing ag the same time. I'd forgotten just how much I had missed spending time with him. Up until this summer it had almost been a constant but despite me spending the majority of my summer at his manor, I never once got thr oppurtunity to see him. He wouldn't have even known I was there and I dont know if thats worse.

We were sat in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company, making up for lost time.

"They want me to become a Death Eater" He blurted. My heart dropped. I snapped my head toward him. "What?!" I asked exasperatedly. He looked startled by my reaction. "Don't act so suprised, Its inevitable anyways" He sighed.My mouth was agape. "

"How'd you know?" I asked. He looked down toward the courtyard below. "You know my parents Myra, my father is a devoted Deatheater, mother not so much but she still is one. Of course they're going to want their only Son to join and serve...him"

My reaction proably wasn't as suttle as I'd hoped. My palms began to sweat and I looked panicked. He didn't seem to notice and instead continued.

"I mean, I wouldn't be suprised if they recruit you either" I turned my head away and my eyes bulged out of my head. I composed myself and turned back to face him with furrowed eyebrows. "Oh come on Myra, Im not thick!" He exclaimed. My heart was in my throat, I couldn't speak. I anxiously awaited his next words. "I know that..." My fingers picked at the side of the thumb.

"I know that you're parents are.." He began whispering as the sentence progressed. I sighed a breath of relief and continuously nodded my head. "Yeah, then I suppose so" I replied.

His eyebrows were furrowed. "Everything okay?" He asked me, he seemed concerned, as though he had perhaps overstepped. I looked him in the eye and smiled. "Yeah, all good...a bit tired, maybe we should head back?" I asked. He looked as though he thought he'd messed things up when in fact he mah have made things easier.

We both cast a dillusionment charm to head back, It was too late to make any excuse sound liable and so making ourselves invisable was most likely our best bet. We walked back in near silence.

When we reached the common room he muttered the password and we entered. We removed the charm and he once again became visable. We were stood next to each other and so I looked up at him, he was quite a few inches taller than me causing him to somewhat tower over me. "Goodnight then" He said and he leant down to place a soft kiss to my lips. I kissed him back and said goodnight. I watched as he walked away and I was suddenly overcome by the urge to ask him a question.

It was itching at me and so I gave in.

"Draco!" I called out. He turned around although he stayed where he was positioned. I gulped, building up all the courage I have inside me, not that it was much. I am a slytherin not a Gryffindor.

"Would you do it?...Would you become one?" I asked him anxiously. He took a deep breath in and held it for a short while. He exhaled and closed his eyes.

"I don't have a choice"

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