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It was cold. Bitterly cold. I lay in bed, eyes wide open, unblinking. Thoughts and worries played themselves over and over in my head. I was concocting a plan. A final plan.

There are so many different things that need taking into consideration but the hardest part is knowing I might lose him. Lose him forever. After 15 years.

I forcefully shut my eyes and turned over to the side. May as well try and get some sleep, it's not like i'll get much in the months that will follow.

My body shook and shivered continuously. I could not get warm. I think it's the stress more than anything.

I turned over to the other side. Hands clutching my duvet, attempting to pull it as close to me as possible. My eyes finally became heavy, a sense of exhaustion engulfing me.
My eyes shot open, A breathless gasp escaping my dry lips. I writhed in pain. The all too familiar burning sensation spread up my arm.

I thrashed within my bed sheets. Wines and sobs emitting from my small frame. Adrenaline kicked in and I shot up from my bed, running toward my bathroom.

My hands gripped the sink and my knuckles turned white. Beads of sweat began to trickle down my forehead. My breathing was ridiculously heavy.

I desperately grabbed a flannel and ran it under the cold water, I placed it on my arm and hissed. I was given a moments relief before the pain returned, somewhat more painful.

I grasped my wand.

"Accio Robes" I hardly whispered and my plain black death eater robes came flying towards me. I slipped them on as quickly as possible, not caring to remove my pyjamas.

I flung open my bedroom door and headed to the common room.

When I arrived Snape was there waiting for me. He seemed completely calm and collected, as if the pain ceased to exist.

They say the pain gets easier, that you get used to it. I can not see myself ever getting used to this horrific feeling.

"Come" Snape drawled as he made his way toward the common room door.

I watched as his cloak flowed around him, It made his movements look almost elegant. His head was held high and his back straight.

I struggled to walk, I tried to stop the sobs slipping out yet, I failed, miserably.

The second he heard the noise, his body snapped around to look at me. For a moment I was intimidated. He walked straight up to me. His finger pointed in my face.

"You let the Dark Lord hear you doing that and you can kiss your life away in a matter of seconds" he snapped.

I realise that he is only looking out for me and so I cannot find it within myself to be angry at him.

He grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me through a door I had never seen before. It was dark and cobwebs were scattered across the ceiling. The pain failed to stop.

Although by now I had become slightly more accustomed to the pain, managing to control my facial expressions.

We reached a clearing and the next thing I knew my body felt as though it was being stretched in every single direction possible.

My head was spinning and it was an incredibly uncomfortable experience.

It finally stopped and I was able
to notice that we were outside 'Malfoy Manor'

We must have apparated. I walked next to Snape and I pulled my hood up as we reached the rusted iron gate. My mask was in my pocket just in case it would need to be put to use.

We entered Malfoy Manor and Snape let me into one of many dining halls. The room was filled with Deatheaters around a long table, much like it had been the night I was presented with the dark mark.

"Ah Severus, Myra...How good of you to join us" The dark lord hissed in our direction. Snape nodded his head however. The dark lord looked at me in anticipation.

I cleared my throat and nodded. "Of course, My lord" I muttered.

Both my parents were present, Draco's too. I wonder if he knew this was going on. I doubt it.

I sat down at the table, next to another young witch. Her name was Aradia Carrow. She was the youngest Carrow sibling. I believe she is a year younger than me, making her fourteen years old.

She has dark hair like me and dull grey eyes. She didn't seem to possess the same evil instincts and intentions her siblings did. I admired her for that.

"I'm sure you're all wondering why i've summoned you here tonight" The Dark lord began.

Each and every person at the table eyed the grey skinned man. Some even looked excited.

"I've been made aware that the Order of the Phoenix has been reinstated"

Chatter echoed around me although I had absolutely no clue as to what he was referring to.

"Their soul purpose is to protect Harry Potter, and fight back against each and every one of us" He looked around. His hand reached down by his side and his snake Nagini slithered into sight.

He began stroking her head, it made me feel nauseous just watching.

"You must not let this get to you" He ordered.

"I merely recommend that you keep your guards up...If you have a task to complete, get it done as soon as possible as they'll be onto us" He finished.

He stood and left the room. His bare feet hitting the cold stone floor. Nagini followed him.

Was that it?

I wasn't sticking around much longer, I need to complete my task. I must have been the first to stand from the table. I eyed Snape and gave him a 'come on' look. He obliged and walked toward me.

I payed no attention to my parents whatsoever. I have bigger things to worry about.

We walked outside of the manor, and past the gates once more. Snape looked at me before holding his hand out. I stared at it for a while, seriously debating whether I could do this again.

The next thing I knew my hand was in his and the swirling and twisting began once more.

The Burden of Time || Draco MalfoyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin