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I spent a lot of time thinking about what Draco had said over the next few days. Its as if it were ingrained into my head. I dont have a choice. He is right of course, he doesn't. I know that. I think that is why we get on as well as we do, neither of us have ever been given a choice.

Our parents have decided everything for us since the day we were born Hell, they even decided who our friends would be, Hence me and Draco being friends. If it weren't for our families I highly doubt me and Draco would have even spoken to one another, Which in a way is quite sad. I would have ended up being another laughing stock that he allocated his time to tormenting.

I hadn't told anybody about Draco's and I's newly formed relationship although I knew updates would be expected sooner or later. Ive seen Snape's looks from across the classroom, His face reads a thousand words and messages, each one more threatning than the last. I know he is warning me asI have not yet informed The Dark Lord of my progress and so I am risking everything the later I leave it.

My head was becoming more and more clouded with irrational thought's each day. Every time I catch a glimpse and the slithering ink upon my helpless arm I shiver. I shiver with an unexplainabke feeling.

It's funny, I'd never felt anything quite like it before. Its hard to understand and I don't know if I ever will.

"Hello" A voice echoed in my direction. It was Blaise. He plonked himself down next to me on the sofa I had been sat at for quite some time. Without realising I had been sat, simply staring at the burning fire. For quite some time, I mean nearing half an hour. I don't know what has gotten into me recently. I seem to spend the majority of my time lost in thought.

I knew that it wasn't healthy. I'm also aware that neither am I. I haven't had a good nights sleep in Merlin knows how long. My appetite has shrunk tremendously and so has my attitude towards academics. My life has been consumed by the darkness.

"Hey Blaise" I muttered.

Blaise has always been a very lively yet, vain character. I don't know how he manages to be so happy. He hasn't exactly had the best upbringing. His mother brought home wizard after wizard. Seven of which died, his father included. He never met his father as he died before he was born and so was brought up in a somwhat unstable household accompanied by death. In our third year, late one night he admitted that he finds it strange that all seven of his mothers husbands had died not long after marraige. I think that is what leads him to be so unaccepting and unwelcoming to people outside of his friend group.

"hmm" Blaise cocked his head to the side, giving me a curious look. I looked away from him and closed my eyes before rolling them. "What?" I questioned when I turned back, although my voice held a slight hint of malice to it causing his eyebrows to just furrowed even more intensely. "Something is going on with you.."

I raised my eyebrows annoyedly "Whatever makes you think that?" I sighed.

He pursed his lips as though he was already regretting what he was about to say. "You're different" I unwillingly scowled at him. "I-uh i'm not saying this to be offensive..Its just that i've noticed a change in you. You seem tired...Sad"

Without permission my face softened and I suddenly felt bad. I hadn't been aware that people may notice a difference in me, which is stupid. "Sorry Blaise, I'm okay I promise, just got alot of homework to do and not alot of time to do it" I lied. Ive gotten alot better at lying considering I do it so often, Its almost like a second nature at this point.

"Well only if you're sure" He confirmed and I nodded.

Soon enough the rest of the group had joined us including Pansy much to my dismay. Draco however, had yet to join us. Goyle claimed that he had an important owl from his father which needed attending to. They talked about all sorts ranging from classes, homework and Professors all the way to Potters demise. I was shocked when Pansy brought up the topic of The Dark Lord returning. They began the conversation as if it were nothing.

"Do you really think he is back?" Pansy asked. The group began talking in hushed whispers. "I mean, how else can Diggory's death be explained?" Theo added. Everyone agreed and they carried on, eventually placing bets on how long it would take until Potter was defeated although, I stayed silent throughout the conversation. Pansy didn't appreciate this. "Goodwin, you've been awfully quiet...Whats says you? Think Potter will succeed?" Her voice was sickly sweet and overall frustrating. "I don't know" I responded honestly.

She rolled her eyes obnoxiously before brushing me off. "Well I don't know about you guys, but I would gladly join the dark side...become one of The Dark Lord's loyal servants...After all, I do look good in black" She laughed yet, my blood boiled hearing her utter such shit.

Pansy doesn't have the guts to be one of us, not that we would ever want her, she's pathetic, weak and insufferable. She doesn't have the stomach to do what we do.

I audibly scoffed, catching the attention of the group. "Something you want to say?" Pansy questioned and although I should have, I couldn't stop myself from responding.

"As if you'd have the guts" I laughed and Pansy responded with a frown. "What and I suppose you do?" She asked me cockily. I chuckled once again. "If only you knew Parkinson"

She was about to open her mouth to respond once more however, the common room door swung open and in stormed an angry looking Draco. We all turned to look at him, dismissing the conversation. That was probably a good thing.

He made his way over to us and he sat on the arm of the sofa next to us. Pansy immediately began attempting to "Fix" her hair and I was hardly impressed by her efforts. Me and Blaise both slid across on the sofa which enabled for Draco to have enough room to sit next to me.

"Hey man, you good?" Theo asked him and his arm absentmindedly slung itself around my shoulders. The group looked taken aback by this action, Despite us being best friends throughout the entirity of school we had never displayed such acts of affection, at least bit whilst in the company of others.

"Yeah, fine" Draco responded although it obvious that he was irritated. I turned to face him in an attempt to read him. He looked more stressed than anything.

"What's wrong Drakie-poo?" Pansy said which made my skin turn inside out. You know how people hate nails on a chalkboard? My version of that is Pansy's voice. Draco simply scrunched up his nose and looked at her with such distaste. She cowered in embaressment.

Draco moved closer to me pulling me into his chest.

Blaise cleared his throat and I noticed that the majority of the common room had turmed to look at us. "So...Something you guys want to share with us" He asked awkwardly.

It was silent for a while, neither Draco nor me said anything although they all waited in anticipation, Pansy especially. Draco looked down at me and then back at the group.

"Myra and I are together" he admitted yet, there was no response "Happy?" He asked.

I understand his frustration as there's one thing I don't understand and that's why people have the need to know every scrutable piece of information regarding ones life.

Again, nobody said anything although that was until one person decided to pipe up.

"You what?!" Pansy shrieked.

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